Chapter 21

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Sorry for the short chapter. Enjoy.


The next few days passed without incident. I really think my team forgot I was here. Sakura would always look at me in surprise when I would show up at the bridge. Rojin, he now wants to call me Opa to fit in with Oma, was also in shock that they didn't notice I was with them. I remember what he said. "What's wrong with your team? Don't they care?!" I remember nodding. I'm starting to think that they don't though.

I sighed as I helped Opa with his work. I would carry the beams to the end of the bridge because I didn't know much about building a bridge. The other men were kind and walked me through what they needed help with but I mostly did the heavy lifting. The builders didn't mind. Some even made jokes that I helped them not throw out their backs.

Today though, it felt different. There was a chill in the air. I managed to convince Opa not to go to work today. Something was gonna happen. That's all I could think as I ran towards the bridge. It was all fogging. I cursed. Why the frick frack is Zabuza here? I thought it might be another day or two. I was not prepared yet. I heard fighting. Please let me not be too late. When I got there, I saw a cube of ice and Sakura was protecting the bridge builder.

I think Sasuke was in the cube of ice and Zaubza and Kakashi were fighting. No. This isn't how it's supposed to be. Gato was tricking them. Where was Naruto? All of a sudden, someone broke the ice. I really came at the end of the fight huh? Was that Naruto?! He was glowing orange! Be careful of when he's like that. He can't control it yet. Okay. Then I saw Kakashi doing this weird lightning thing at Zabuza. No. In the distance, I saw Haku running. No. He's gonna kill one of them! No. I could do nothing. No.

No. No. No. "NO!" My body acted on its own. One minute, I was at the end and the next, I pushed Haku out of the way. Time seemed to slow as I felt something stab into my gut. Their eyes widened as they saw me. Kakashi caught me as I fell. Zabuza and Haku were staring at me with wide eyes. Kakashi was crying? "Why?" I looked at Haku as I coughed.

"" I coughed up more blood. This is how I'm gonna die huh? Stupid child. I smiled. "We....had....a" I closed my eyes once again. I don't think I'll wake up this time. Time to see some family.

Third Person.

They watched as the child closed his eyes for the last time. Kakashi had tears rolling down his face. Zabuza was in shock. Haku didn't say much but the tears let them know. "Stupid child." They all looked over at the small man. Zabuza was growling and Haku was showing emotion by glaring. Naruto ran over but stopped at the sight of his comrade. "K...koya?" Kakashi pulled the body closer. Naruto turned angrily at Zabuza and Haku. "You did this to him!" Gato chuckled. "HE was a bitch who needed to die." Zabuza ran at the group with a katana in hand. He murdered people left and right. Haku was right there beside him as they killed off Gato's men. They left no survivors.

Sakura was too busy to even notice. When Sasuke awoke, he saw what happened. Zabuza and Haku just stared at the boy that gave his life for them. Sakura noticed what was going on and gasped. The villagers came over thinking that there were still bandits. Instead there was something worse.

"Enkel!" Kakashi and the others looked over to see an old man running over. He crouched and his hands were shaking. "Enkel?" Naruto growled. "His name is Koya." The man was just staring at him with tears in his eyes. "Why didn't you guys do anything?! Aren't you his teammates?!" Naruto was glaring. "I didn't know he was here! What do you even know?!" He glared at the team while taking the body away. "I'm his Opa. Where were you when he was left here because he didn't know the way back to Tazuna's house?! He had to stay with us! Did you even notice him gone?!"

Silence. Then they heard a cough. "Opa?" They looked down to see Koya with his eyes that were wide. "Where is Shizun?! I can't hear her! Why can't I hear her?!"


Sorry again from the short chapter. Thank you for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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