Chapter 23

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Thank you for reading. Please enjoy. Up above is Nee.


Third person

The group started talking to others as they were on the bridge. It had taken two weeks to finish the bridge. Naruto was talking to Inari and Koya was talking to his Oma and Opa. Sasuke was to the side, glaring like his normal self. Kakashi was reading his orange book. Sakura was just fawning over Sasuke. Nee was standing on Koya's shoulder.

Oma was hugging him and Opa was chuckling. "Oma, I know I have to leave but I'll come to visit. I need to leave." Oma had tears going down her face. "But you'll be older! You might even have a girlfriend!" Koya smiled and shook his head. "I won't have a girlfriend." She sniffed. "Then boyfriend! It doesn't matter! You'll find someone and..." More crying. Koya was bright red. Opa was full on laughing.

"Hon, he needs to train with his team more." "He nearly died last time he went without one of us!" Koya shrugged. "But I didn't die." "You were close! You had no way of surviving, you should've been dead!" "I know but I'm not." "You could've been!" "That's the past." She smacked him upside that head. "You're a shinobi! You could die any day!" Koya shrugged again. "Meh." "It's your life!" "If it's to save another then I would do it anyday. Plus, I have a feeling it's gonna be hard to kill me." She sighed and shoved something into his hands. "For the road. Don't eat it all at once."

"Yes Oma." He hugged her again. Nee patted her head. He went to his Opa next." Opa ruffled Koya's hair and then pulled him into a hug. "Don't you die, you hear?" Koya nodded. They looked over when they heard a yell. "Koya, we're leaving." "I'm coming." He gave one last hug to his new grandparents and ran back to his team. They all looked back to wave goodbye.

Opa went near Tazuna. "What's the bridge gonna be called?" "The Naruto Bridge." Oma nodded. "Should we name the sea?" Tazuna shrugged. "I guess." Oma placed her fist under her chin. "How about the Ai to Kea sea?" The men nodded. "Has a nice ring to it." They both watched as the team walked away. "So the Great Naruto Bridge and the Ai to Kea sea." Everyone nodded.

~Timeskip brought to you by Kabaneri~

"So you mean to tell me that Zabuza and Haku are now staying in that village." Nods. "Koya nearly died if not for some miracle." More nods. "And Koya has a new pet." Again nods. "Did you at least finish the mission?" Koya nodded and Nee jumped. "Nee!" "Shush Nee. This is an important meeting." The Hokage smiled at them.

"Okay, so is everyone okay?" Kakashi looked at everyone and nodded. "I believe everything is in order." "Nee!" "Okay, you guys go enjoy two days off. Kakashi, I would like a full report." Koya skipped out after bowing, saying something about his plants. Naruto went to get ramen. Sasuke went to train. Sakura went to buy some makeup or something like that.

Kakashi started to do a full report. With Koya, his house had multiple plants. He started watering them all. "I wonder how you guys survived so long? I'm sorry for leaving you for so long." He hummed as he watered. Nee was playing with some stems. He went to the kitchen and noticed he was low on food. "I'll have to go shopping soon. Maybe Thursday. It's only Monday, I can last a little while longer."

With that, he started making some pork cutlets. After about 20 minutes, he heard a knock on his door. "It's open." Sasuke walked in. "What can I do for you Duck-butt?" "What are you making?" "Pork cutlet. I have some extra, want some?" He nodded and sat at the table. "Sure." Koya started to dish out the food. They both began eating. Sasuke was slightly shocked at how good it was. "So what did you come here for?" "How did you survive?" A dark look fell over Koya's face.

"I don't want to talk about it." It came out as some growl. Sasuke looked at him in shock. "Right." They went back to eating with a tense atmosphere. Koya suddenly brightened. "I heard you unlocked something that is important to you." Sasuke gave a small smile. "Yeah. I unlocked my sharingan." I tilted my head. "The eye thing that Kakashi had?" "Yes." "So you're related to him then?" Sasuke shook his head. "I don't understand then. Isn't the Sharingan a family thing?" "Yes, which is why I also don't understand why he has it?" "Could it be given? Maybe someone close to him was dying or something and gave it to him?"

Sasuke shrugged. "I doubt it." "Well, it's not a zero percent chance." "True." They finished the dinner in a silence. Sasuke soon left. Koya just laid in bed and Nee laid in a little makeshift bed that didn't take long to make. It was a cotton filled mattress and the pillow had a few leaves. He snuggled under the covers. They both slept in safety.


Sorry for the short chapter. Next one I believe is when they meet the Sand siblings. Thank you for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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