Chapter 28

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Thank you for reading. I'm sorry if this sucks and please enjoy.


The hour was nearly up. Gaara finished 20 minutes before and was just playing with Nee. I wonder why he liked him so much? From what I've heard, Gaara is supposed to be a ruthless killer that hates everything. I guess that was wrong. Rumors were false a lot of the time. On the back of my test, I had drawn Gaara and Nee messing around while Temari and Kankuro were in the back laughing. I really liked the way it looked.

A kunai hit the paper, right between Gaara and Nee. I looked up to see a protector glaring at me. "You've been caught cheating 5 times. Leave." I know this dude, I beat him in an arm wrestle. Is he still upset about that? I laughed. Ibiki glared at me. "You've been caught cheating. Leave." "I haven't cheated once." Ibiki narrowed his eyes. "He said you were caught cheating. If you don't like it, too bad." I sighed. "He's still angry that I beat him in an arm wrestle. It's hard to cheat when you haven't done the test."

Gaara stifled a laugh. Ibiki looked confused. "You haven't done the test?" "Nah, this is above my level. What's the point of doing it if I don't know how?" He glared at me while I just stared at him with a deadpan face. "Are you serious that you haven't done it?" "Completely. Want to check it?" He climbed up the steps and looked at my paper. "You really haven't done it." "Yep. Gonna wait a few more minutes until I do it." He nodded and walked off. Gaara was looking at me as I pulled out a paper.

I looked at him and put a finger to my mouth. I just hid my paper in my bag and kept Ibiki's test. I put my name at the top and just waited. 10 minutes later he declared the end of the test. I yawned as he went on saying that if we get the tenth question wrong, we would never get to do the chunin exams again. What a load of horse radich. It's obvious he's just testing us. Gaara looked at me and Nee as we both had our arms crossed and looked bored. I leaned over at Gaara and whispered, "Can we move on yet?" He gave me a small smile and shook his head. "No, he has to be boring first." I sighed.

I looked to see Naruto raising his hand. Well, that's new. He slammed it down and I jumped. "I'll take it! But even if I'm stuck being a Genin forever, I'll become a hokage, no matter what it takes!" So he just had to boost the confidence of everyone. Great, more enemy's for me. I sighed and slammed my head on the table. Ibiki looked around. "Nobody else wants to leave?" Silence. "Okay, you pass!" "Wha?!" "Are you guys kidding me?!" Everyone looked up at me. "It was obvious with the whole not Genin test and the tenth question." Ibiki was looking at me. "Is that why you didn't do your test?" "Nah, I did it." I held up my paper. "See." He sighed. "This was to see your ability to find out information. In other words, you were supposed to cheat."

Ibiki nodded at my words. "Those who just foolishly cheated, naturally were disqualified. That's because information depending on the time and situation, it may be more important than your life." He took off his head band to show us his head. It was covered in holes. So this dude was tortured. He looked at the window as a brick came flying in. A lady came in with a banner behind her. "I am the proctor for the second exam! Anko Mitarashi! Let's move on to the next stage. Next!" She threw her fist into the air.

"Follow me!" She looked at how many there were of us. "There's more of them this year. Have you gotten soft?" "They're just better this year." I smiled. "Glad to know you like us." He sighed. "Shut up." Naruto was smiling at me and I gave him a grin. Anko shrugged. "Come on. Next exam is this way!" I held out my hand to Nee and he jumped on to it. I stayed close to Gaara. I can't do the stupid girl grass nin looking at me. "Gaara, don't trust her." He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Just trust me. Bad vibe from her. Like the feeling when you drink something horrid and it takes a second to realize it. Wait no." He just ruffled my head. "I get it." I let out a sigh of relief. I wanted to tell the others but couldn't find them as we walked to the second exam. We stopped at this forest that was inside the gate. I was confused though. The forest was alive and felt so calming. Anko threw up her hands. "Welcome to the Forest of Death!" I love it here already.

"So this is going to be awesome!" Everyone looked at me and Anko smirked. She threw a kunai and I dodged it. "What the heck woman! I'm not a training dummy!" She threw one at Naruto as well cause he was saying stupid stuff. She went on explaining how people can die in here and we have 5 days to figure out how to get the other scroll. She then had us sign wavers so she doesn't have to do paperwork. I sighed. I went into the tent to grab my scroll. "Where's your team kid?" I shrugged. "Alone like always. Don't worry about me though. I have a trick up my sleeve." He nodded and handed me an Earth scroll.

I walked out and went straight to Lee's team. Sorry Lee but I feel like you could do this. "Lee!" Neji will be holding it. Lee looked over and I gave him a hug. "Don't die in there." "How youthful! I won't die!" I nodded. I hugged Tenten next. "Keep him in check and good luck." She nodded and I smiled. I went to Neji last. I hugged him and he tensed. "Hey, stay safe. Don't trust the grass nin girl. She's bad news." I let go and he nodded. I walked away. I was assigned gate 10. I waited for the go.

I put both scrolls in my bag. Sorry again Neji. I was just lucky that you had the scroll I needed. Nee looked up at me. "Let's find Raccoon." He nodded. "GO!" The gate opened and I raced in. Time for avoiding the grass nin. Let's hope everyone will stay safe. I had a feeling that things were about to change. For better or worse, I have no idea.


Thanks for reading. I'm sorry with the way it ended. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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