Chapter 18

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Thank you for reading. Sorry it took me awhile. I had to take some time off for my mental health. Sorry again and please enjoy.


It had been 2 days since I've been here and Momo-chan had just woken up. It must've surprised him to see me and Haku hovering over him. "What is he doing here Haku?!" I shrugged with Haku. "He's the last Mishima." Silence. "The girly boy is the last?!" Haku nodded. I crossed my arms. "Haku said you guys know who I have to look for. That's the only reason I'm here." He stared at me. "Why do you want to know?" "I want someone's help. I fear I can't control the vines."

"Vines?" I nodded. Haku seemed in thought. "You don't know, do you?" "Know what?" Haku looked at Momo-chan. "He doesn't know. Did they never tell him?" I sighed. "I hope you realize that they didn't like me. I left before they all died and they didn't bother telling me anything about our clan." They stared at me.

"How do you know about a clan?" Haku looked over at Momo-chan. Momo-chan looked at me and back to him. He nodded. Haku turned back at me. "We knew someone after the massacre. She was able to tell us everything. She said something about the monster and how they killed everyone. About your clan's secrets and everything."

"Our clan's secrets?" Haku nodded. "Your clan was the strangest. Always doing things that didn't make sense. What do you know about your clan?" I shrugged. "Not much." Momo-chan sighed. "Tell us what you do know." I nodded.

"We would wear battle kimonos such as I am wearing. We were supposed to be good with katanas. Um... we had different foods than everyone else. Our training was different. Men were often engaged or wed to other men. It was uncommon to find a woman in our clan. Am I right so far?" Haku nodded.

"We were able to use the vines I think. Um... weren't the men separated into two different groups? I think it was warriors and the supporters. Something like that. Most people were supporters. The warriors had to have the kekkei genkai in order to fight. We didn't really have any police system or anything like that." Momo-chan was staring at me. "What about the head family?"

I sneered. "Those people were bastards! They only cared about power and wealth! They didn't give a damn about their child! They only had a child because people would look down on them! They wanted a daughter and instead they got a son! They were pissed about it! The head family can go rot in hell where they belong!" Sheesh child. Shush. They were both staring at me. I think Momo-chan was slightly shocked at what I said. Haku I know was because his eyes were huge.

I hugged myself and looked away. "Sorry." "Don't be sorry kid." Haku nodded in agreement. "We didn't know anything about the head family and was just asking if you did. You apparently have a grudge or something against them." I shrugged. "You can say that." Momo-chan was about to say something when there was banging at the door. Haku looked back at me and shoved me into the room. "Stay here and stay quiet." I nodded.

I heard some yelling but just stayed quiet. So, they're bastards? Oh shut up. You weren't there to help me and I panicked. All I did say was true. That is true. That's what I said. Shush. Here comes Haku. Don't tell me to shush. I'll tell you what I want. I didn't get a chance to retort.

I looked over at Haku. "What happened?" "Just some broken bones, that's all." Broken bones? Okay~ I nodded. "So what now?" "You can go home or stay with us. Travel around and we can teach you what we know. It's not a lot mind you." Wait, go with them?

"Why would you want me to go with you?" I heard Momo-chan yelling from the other room. "It's not because we like you or anything. You're strong and that's all." I giggled and Haku smiled. I sighed. What to choose though? If I go with them, I learn. Naruto and the others though. Well, to be far, they might do better without me. I sighed.

"I think I'll choose...."


Sorry for the short chapter. This one will be it till next week or something. I don't know yet. Sorry again. I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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