Chapter 19

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Thank you for reading. Sorry I've only been updating 1 chapter to 1 one chapter. I'm working on an original book currently. So I do apologize. Anyway, enjoy.


"I chose my friends. I'm sorry. I do want to learn about my clan but I want to do it with the others. They might not look or act like it but they're going to be the best team one day." I smiled. Haku nodded and smiled. "If you're ever in trouble or want out though, there's always a place here for you." I nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks." He nodded and handed me a paper. "This will lead you to some of our bases. Don't let it fall into the wrong hands." "Yes sir." We walked out to see Momo-chan staring. "Who's he going with?" "Them." He sighed.

"Okay kid. Be safe." I nodded and grinned at him. "See you later old man. Get away from Gato while you can. I'm pretty sure that working for him will end up killing you." "Don't worry about us kid." "If I don't, you will. Anyway, see you later." I walked out and waved.

They gave me small waved in return. They remind me of someone. I just can't remember who.

Third person

"He has no idea does he?" Haku shook his head. "I feel like that would be for the better though. Just imagine if he found out. It would kill him. He's a good kid." Zabuza nodded. "Does he know the way back?" "He'll figure it out."

Silence. "What do you think he meant by the main family were bastards." Zabuza sighed. "I have a feeling he knew the kid. He sounded like he knew all about the head house. It was sorta strange." They both looked at the retreating figure in the distance.

Koya POV

I'm just going to say this now, I'm lost. I should've thought to ask which way was which. I sighed. I went back to walking in a random direction. After about a half hour, I came to this town. As I walked, people were staring at me. The town is so run down. I was just supposed to find my team when someone tried to touch me.

I quickly turned around and almost punched a little girl in the face. I quickly stopped just inches from her face. Her eyes widened in shock. I quickly bowed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The people around us was staring in silence. I don't know if it was disgust or shock.

The little girl didn't speak. I slowly stood from my bow. "Again I'm sorry. I didn't know if you were a bad person when you suddenly grabbed me. Most people want to kill me." Her eyes lit up when she saw my headband. "You're like that nice lady!" I tilted my head. "What does the nice lady look like?"

"She has pink hair and is super pretty!" Sakura. "Do you know where she went?" The little girl nodded. "She's staying with the bridge builder!" "Can you lead me there?" She nodded and grabbed my hand. With my other hand, I got out my wallet. When she led me to this house, I handed her a wad of cash. Her eyes got huge. "I can't take this!"

"You can and will. Go on now." Tears welled up in her eyes. I panicked. "Please don't cry!" She sniffed and wiped her tears. "Thank you!" I nodded and she ran off. Cute kid. I jumped. Shizen! Where have you been? Saying goodbye to people. Goodbye? Don't worry about it. Your team misses you.

I nodded and walked towards the door. I knocked three times when I heard movement. A woman opened the door and stared at me. "Who are you?" I quickly bowed. "Mine name is Koya Mashima. Is team 7 here?" She nodded and let me in. "They're in the kitchen." I nodded.

We walked in and I saw Kakashi in crutches. Sakura was pestering Sasuke and Naruto was eating. Oh. The lady cleared her throat. "This young lady is looking for you." They all looked up and Kakashi imminently stood and tried to make his way towards me.

Sakura was slightly glaring and the other two were just staring at me. Kakashi got to me and pulled me into a hug. "Where did you go?" "They kidnapped me. I waited for my team to show, not knowing you were hurt Kakashi-sensei. I escaped and came here."

The other three were still looking at me. Kakashi turned towards them. I sighed. "What did I do now?" Sasuke cleared his throat. "You seem more different. What happened?" "Nothing you need to worry about. It's nothing that concerns you." Sakura was glaring.

"How do we know it's you?" I gave her a smirk. "I don't want your dear Sasuke-kun." She nodded and smiled. "Glad to have you back." She gave me a hug. Naruto was the last one. "I wasn't strong enough." I sighed and ruffled his hair.

"None of us were. We just have to train more. Nobody needs to stay weak." Naruto looked up at me and smiled. I leaned next to Kakashi and whispered. "We need to talk later." He looked at me and nodded. The lady introduced herself after finding out I was also on team 7. Her name was Tsunami and she had a son named Inari.

It felt good to be back with the people I care for. When it came time to talk to Kakashi, we went to the roof. "What's wrong?" I twisted my hands. " out more about my clan." His eyes went wide. "What did you find out?" Should I tell him? Do it. Thanks Shizen. Mhm. "I know where it is. The location of the clan." "Where?" "It's somewhere in the land of the mist. I know the exact position but I kinda don't want to tell. You know, just in case."

He nodded. "Is that all." Don't tell him anymore. Okay but why? Just in case. I shook my head. "That's all." "Okay. Get some sleep. We have training in the morning." I nodded and went to bed. Just trust me. Everything is going to work out. Okay? You're being weird. I know.


Thank you for reading. I do hope you did enjoy. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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