Chapter 3

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Thank you for reading. I won't keep you long. In the comments, don't be a dick. I will destroy you if you do.  Please enjoy.


The village was huge as we made our way through. There were people smiling and talking. There were small children running around. It was so different from Japan. For one, there was no pollution. The air was clean. Two, people actually knew everyone kinda thing. I only knew a few people. It seemed like a nice place to live. But I know, everything is not what it seems.

'Gonna find a girl and settle down here?' 'Not into girls.' 'Oh yeah, I forgot.' I sighed and shook my head. Izumo looked over at me. "Is there something wrong kid?" I shook my head no. We walked over to this large tower thing. The top floor must be where the Hokage works. 

We walked up to the stairs and I sat on the floor. I was not gonna walk up all those stairs. Izumo looked down on me. "Come on kid, we're nearly there." I shook my head no. He sighed. "I don't get paid enough for this." I nodded in agreement. 'Don't nod along child.' 'Too late.'

He bent down and I climbed onto his back. He stood and began walking up the stairs. When we got to the top, he set me back down. We walked towards the door. He knocked as I hummed. We heard a come in and Izumo opened the door. Inside was an old man wearing a strange hat. 'Meh, he's strong.' 'How do you know?' 'He's alive and is the leader.' 'You're right.' 'Of course I am.'

'You're so full of yourself.' She stayed silent. Haha! I win! I tuned back into what they were talking about. "So she just showed up?" "Yes sir." He nodded as if he was thinking. "Sir, before you talk to her just know she is a he." That got his attention. He looked over at me and I nodded. "Interesting. What's your name, child?"

"He doesn't speak sir." I shook my head. "Mine name is Koya." Izumo turned toward me quickly. "You speak?!" "I never said I was mute. You two just assumed that. Not my fault." He stared at me. "You sound more feminine than I thought." "Why do you think I didn't talk to you at first? You know how many creeps there are out here? Too many for my liking." 

With that, the two men looked at me. I shrugged. "When you live my life, you see things." "What's your last name?" "Mishima." Their eyes widened and they looked at each other. "Why didn't I realize it when I saw the green hair? It's so obvious." "Sir, what are we going to do now?" I was confused. "What's so wrong with my last name? Is it that bad? Look mister, I never knew my parents and nobody liked me where I was from. I was kicked out."

Izumo looked at me with doubt. "Why should we believe you?" "Well, they were assholes and tried to.... um, I really don't want to talk about it with him in the room." The Hokage nodded and sent Izumo away. He seemed reluctant to do so. He left the room in a poof of smoke. "How the heck did he do that?!" "Chakra dear." "What's that?" He seemed slightly surprised. "You don't know." 

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew. It seems like magic with all honesty." He smiled a bit. "Now, please continue what you were going to say." "Do you wish for me to start from the beginning?" He nodded. "Well, I don't completely trust you so I'll say some of it. No offense or anything but I just don't trust you." "That is understandable. I just need you to tell me why you're alive while everyone else in your clan is dead. That is all I need." 

I nodded. "Well, the clan never liked me. They thought I was a monster since I like wearing girl clothes." I waited to be yelled at. Nothing. "There is nothing wrong with that child." My eyes began to water. "Um... thank you." He nodded. "Anyway, when I was about 7 they finally had enough of me, they tried to kill me."

"I needed to escape. There was one other that was as hated as me. We decided to escape and get out so we created a plan. When we finally got our opportunity, we took it. When we were escaping, he was stabbed and he..." I tried not to cry. I remember it from the implanted memories. 

"He didn't make it. As they were about to kill me too, there was this thing that freed me. I don't remember much of what happened after that. I had fled into the forest and after that, I don't remember what happened after that. Next thing I know, I wake up in the forest and I was older. I don't remember how. I'm sorry sir." 

He nodded. "Okay then, do you want to stay here?" "I don't know sir. I still want to find who killed my clan. That and I need to find someone to teach me about the vines." 'You're a good liar.' 'Thank you.' The Hokage nodded. "Why don't you stay here and become a ninja? We could use someone like you."

I pretended to think about it. I mean, I had nowhere else to go. "Okay. I might be behind the other students but that doesn't mean I don't know how to fight." He chuckled and nodded. "I'm sure you can. You do know that you'll have to live with someone first." I nodded. "Security reasons I assume." He nodded. 

"Now, if you please wait a second. I'll call him in." 'How much do you want to bet it's a perv.' 'Don't jinx me.' I was now slightly worried about it. "It's not a pervert right?" He looked slightly worried and surprised. "I want you to judge him. Can you do that?" I sighed and nodded. "I'll give him a shot. I don't like perverts." 

He smiled gently. "Worry not, he will not harm you." I muttered, "That's what the last guy said." 'What last guy?' 'When I was alive back in the old world.' 'Oh.' "What did you say child?" Why does he call me child? I told him my name. "I said nothing." He smiled gently.

There was a puff of smoke next to me and instincts kicked in. I kicked into the smoke and connected with something. I heard a small ow. When the smoke cleared and I was still in a battle position. It was a guy with gravity defying silver hair. He was holding his side where I think I kicked him. There was an orange book on the ground. 

I quickly bowed in apologies. "Sorry, you surprised me and I um..." He was staring at me. The Hokage was chuckling. He bent down to pick up his book. "Koya, this Kakashi. Kakashi, this Koya. Your new responsibility." The man now dubbed Kakashi, eye's widened. 

"What?" I sighed and he looked over to me. "I'm new to the village and it's for security reasons I have to stay with someone that the old man trusts. It makes sense. I won't be in your hair long. Once I've proven myself, I think I can move into a place by myself."

He just stared. "Is there a problem?" He finally snapped out of it. "I just need you to sit outside." I nodded and walked out. I knew he was going to complain. I sat against the wall. I was kinda tired and I slowly closed my eyes. I wasn't going to sleep, I was just resting my eyes. That's all. Slowly the world went black.


Thank you for reading. If I messed anything up, pretend that I did it on purpose. Stay safe during this time. 

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