Chapter 15

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Thank you for reading. Since I have to do this, I'm only doing this once. Disclaimer, I do not own Naruto. That title belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. If I did own Naruto, I would keep Neji alive. That is all.


No matter how many times I seemed to try to make Tora stay, she kept following me. I sighed as I heard her meow again. I turned and she was sitting a few feet away. "I told you, I have a mission. Stay here. Ino said she'll look after you." She meowed again. I had 15 more minutes to get to the front gate. Kakashi had helped me move everything next door.

I didn't need much for shopping and I thought I could get there early and enjoy a new book but Tora had other ideas. "Tora..." She just rubbed against my leg. "Fine, you can come but you have to behave. I can't believe I gave into a cat." I turned and started walking with Tora at my side. When we got to the gate, there was no as to be expected.

I sat underneath a tree and Tora curled up on my lap. I pulled out a book called Eragon. It was about a boy and his dragon. It sounded interesting so I tried it. When Sasuke showed up, I was on page 145. It was so good. Sasuke grunted which made me look up. "What's the cat doing here?" "Sleeping mostly." He sighed. "Shouldn't she be with someone else?" I shook my head.

"She wanted to come along. I tried leaving her with Ino but she escaped and followed me. I tried almost everything. So she's coming with." "Hn." I closed my book as I saw Sakura with Tazuna. "I don't trust him. He gives me a feeling that he's hiding something." Sasuke was looking at me weird. "I didn't think anything was off." I shrugged. "I could be overthinking it."

I laughed as I saw Naruto. His backpack was overfilled with stuff. I stood carefully as Tora meowed at me when I woke her. I walked over to Naruto. "I think you should organize that." He looked at me like I was crazy. "I did." "You sure, I could probably do a better job." "Yeah right." I took off his backpack and dumped it all out. There was a lot of ramen.

I sighed as Sakura giggled. Tazuna was shocked. "Why do you need all that?" "Ramen is food made from the gods!" I folded the clothes he got and began doing the ramen next. He had so much. It could probably feed and army. I divided it and placed it in two piles. "Naruto, take one pile home. You have way too much." He huffed but did what I asked. The rest fit into the bag just fine.
"Here you are." I handed the bag to him and he put it back on. "You'd be a good housewife." I laughed. "Is that a bad thing?" He shook his head. I ruffled his hair. "Stop~" "Nope!" He swatted my hand away. "Now children, let's be on our way." All of us stopped in shock. There was Kakashi, at the gate. I pulled out a kunai as the others saw and nodded. "Who are you and where's Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura's voice wavered a bit. The imposter looked amused. "I don't know what you mean?"

I sighed. "Kakashi is never on time. Come even a few minutes late and you would be better at impostering Kakashi. Now who are you?" He sighed. "I'm Kakashi." Naruto shook his head. "Yeah right!" "I'll make you do extra training." Naruto smiled at him. "Guys, it's Kakashi-sensei!" I sighed and shook my head. "I still doubt it."

He turned towards me. "Why is Tora with us? I thought you were going to leave her at a friends house?" "What friend?" "I didn't care." I put down my kunai. "It's Kakashi all right." He pulled out his orange book as the others nodded.

"Let's get going." I nodded and started walking. Not even 5 minutes out and Tazuna and Naruto are arguing. I looked down at Tora and sighed. This would be a long trip and I don't think Naruto nor Tazuna are going to make it out alive. Sakura looked at Kakashi. "Is there ninja in The Land of the Waves?"

It was Tazuna who answered but I got the jist. No ninja cause no point for them. I shook my head and looked ahead. Tora began tensing up and I felt myself tensing as well. There was a puddle in front of us. The only problem is that it hasn't rained in days. How the heck is there a puddle? I had a feeling we were about to find out.


Sorry for the short chapter.  Wonder what's in the puddle? I'm just joking, we all know what's gonna come ahead. I wonder if I should do a sneak peak to later in the book? Let me know if you what that. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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