Chapter 36

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Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this sad-ish chapter. Sorry in advance.


I slowly opened my eyes to see white tiles. Am I in a hospital? I looked over to see a lady with blonde hair and brown eyes. I loved her green jacket thing. It looked soft. I reached out my hand and grabbed it. She seemed surprised as was I. It was really soft. "What are you doing?" "Seeing if your jacket was soft or not?" She chuckled. "Naruto wasn't kidding when he said you were strange." I shrugged and slowly started sitting up.

"How long have I been out?" "About 5 weeks." I snapped my head at her. "FIVE WEEKS?!" She nodded. "You were drugged." I scratched my head. "Man, that sucks. I wonder if anyone took care of plants." Then I felt the bloodlust from a floor above me. I sighed and left the room. Tsuande had already left. I saw Sakura running up some steps. "Sakura, what happened?" She turned towards me and her eyes filled with more tears. "Koya, you're okay! Anyway, Sasuke woke up and wanted to fight Naruto. They're going up to the roof." I nodded and we both started running up the steps.

When we got to the roof, Naruto and Sasuke glared at each other. They were starting to do something and launched at each other. Naruto had this weird blue ball while Sasuke had this lightning hand. What happened while I was asleep? Sakura raced to the middle of them. She's gonna get herself killed. I launched myself at her. At the same time, Kakashi grabbed both boys' wrists and sent them into the water towers.

Sasuke's made a hole and water was pouring out of it. Naruto's made a dent. Not the point though. I shook Sakura's shoulders. "What were you thinking?! You could've got yourself killed!" I was still shaking her shoulders. "You're still learning!" I was crying somewhat. "You can't get yourself killed! You hear me?!" Everyone was staring at me in shock. "I trained you for too long to have you killed by your teammates!" Naruto looked away in guilt.

I hugged her close. She's like my sister in my world. I can't lose her. She hugged me back. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Kakashi looked confused. Sasuke as well. "Train her?" I glared at Kakashi and Sasuke. "Yes train her! Unlike you, I want her to get stronger and don't pull that bullshit on me! You only cared to train Sasuke because he's one of the last Uchiha! And he's going after revenge! The rate he's going, he'll go rogue!" I huffed and pulled Sakura to her feet. Sasuke hn and jumped off. Of course he left.

I pulled Sakura to the staircase. "Let's go Sakura, I want to see what you've learned while I was out." She nodded. "Then do you want to go get Dango?" "No longer on a diet?" She shook her head. "I had to drop it. I wasn't getting enough nutrients." I nodded. "Makes sense." She smiled at me while I gave her another sly smile. "So how's Lee?" "He's going in for surgery to fix his leg. There's a 50 50 chance that he will never be able to walk again." I patted her shoulder. "It's going to be okay. He'll be just fine."

She gave me a smile. "I have to stop by my house and change." She suddenly smacked her forehead. "I forgot to tell you that I've been watering your plants. I tried feeding Tora but couldn't find her." I gave her a sly smile. "Well, there was a possibility that Tora was going to get taken away from me. Haku had taken a liking when Tora appeared while I was taken by them. I decided that Tora should stay with them. They were going to stay in the Wave for a little bit and Tora liked it there. They were fine with it as well. It was a win win. Tora gets to be free and Haku gets a pet."

Sakura laughed. "That's a good deal." "I know! The only problem is that I no longer see Tora. I wanted that kitty. All well." We laughed as we walked to my apartment. After that, training.

~Timeskip brought to you by Sakura smashing the ground.~

I panted on the ground as Sakura was on the ground next to me, giggling. "How did you get this strong in only 5 weeks?!" She gave me a sly smile. "I *huff* trained with *huff* Gai-sensei." I looked at her with wide eyes. "You mean to tell me that's the reason you gave up your diet?!" She nodded. "I will never doubt you. We should probably get home. It's like 8."

She nodded. We both started walking. We went our separate ways. I walked in silence until I felt something wrong. The trees were whispering that someone was approaching the gate. I snapped my head over at the gate. It can't be a rogue but I never know. I raced towards the gate. I halted when I saw Sasuke talking to Sakura. I jumped into a tree closer to the gate and waited. I was too far away to hear what they were saying. Sakura was crying and Sasuke appeared behind her.

He hit her neck and knocked her out. He laid her on the bench and started walking back towards the gate. When he reached my tree, I spoke up. "Gonna leave without saying goodbye Duckbutt." He snapped his head up to me. I had tears welling up in my eyes. I know I've been saying that he'd turn rogue but I didn't expect it to be so soon. "What are you doing here?" I shrugged. "The trees told me that someone was approaching the gate but didn't tell me who." He smiled softly. "Of course you two would be here."

I smiled at him. "Not here to stop you. I just want to know who you're going to?" He sighed. "I'm going to Orochimaru." I squealed. "You're serious?!" He seemed surprised. "You gotta get me an autograph. I know he's a bad guy but he's done so much stuff for Konoha. He's so cool!" He chuckled. "Of course you would find something good out of this."

I jumped down. I had a bag of food that luckily was given from Sakura. I handed it to him. "Sakura gave me this for dinner but eat it as you're leaving. You don't want to lose your strength." He smiled again at me. He took it from me as we walked towards the gate. "Why aren't you stopping me?" I shrugged. "Well, you wouldn't be happy here. Oreo-snake also can help you get stronger. I do have one request though?" He tilted his head. "Actually two. One, don't forget us. Two, listen to what your brother has to say before you kill him. I have a feeling there's more going on than what we understand."

He nodded. "I'll let Jiji know that I never saw you." He stopped short. "You don't know?" I looked back at him. "Know what?" He gave me a sad smile. "The Hokage is dead. He died during the attack on the village." "What attack?!" Jiji died?! "You were drugged. I'm sorry." Tears welled up in my eyes. "W...what?!" He hugged me close. I started sobbing. I looked up at Sasuke. Curse me being small. I couldn't do the pain though. "Knock me out Sasuke. Please."

He gave me my wish and before I fully closed my eyes, I heard Sasuke mutter. "Sorry Koya. I'll come back." Then darkness.

I slowly opened my eyes to birds. I remember what Sasuke said last night and raced towards the Hokage office. Please don't let it be true. I raced up the steps and threw open the door. Inside was Tsunade and she was behind the desk. I fell to the ground. Tsunade saw me. "What's wrong with you? If it's about Sasuke, I sent a retrieval team after him." "Why are you behind his desk?" Her eyes widened. "You just found out?" Tears fell down my face. "So what Sasuke said was true?" She got out from behind his desk. "What did Sasuke say?" "He told me about his death and how I was drugged."

She hugged me. "What was the Hokage to you?" "Jiji." She hugged me close. I guess she knows what it's like to lose someone everyone already knew was dead. "Go home and get some rest. Sasuke will be back." I laughed a humorless laugh. "Sasuke won't come back for years." She looked confused. "What do you mean?" "He's going to Oreo-snake." She sneered. "Thank you for the information. Go home and rest." I smiled sadly and nodded.

The streets were quiet. The inside of my apartment was as well. I forgot Nee had to leave for a bit. Something about being a summon to a girl. I didn't understand. He'll be back in 2 to 3 years. I just flopped on my bed. I closed my eyes to get some more sleep. Sasuke and the others would be just fine. I know it. They might get hurt but they'll live. I let the darkness consume me yet again.


Thanks for reading.  Sakura is stronger and there's nothing you people can do about it. If you don't like that, than stop reading. Not trying to be mean but I hate it when people make fun of Sakura. That's all. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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