Chapter 13

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Thank  you for reading. I hope I didn't screw this up too bad. Enjoy.


I was the last to arrive. Naruto was tied to a stump. Sasuke and Sakura had their heads down in shame. "Look who's the last to arrive." Kakashi was standing over them smiling at me. "Look at the one who's passed." Sakura rolled her eyes. "You need a bell to pass."

I held up all three. "There was a reason I tackled you Kakashi-sensei." He quickly looked to his belt to see that the ones I had were fake. "Clever." "I know. I said I would have to use tricks. I only know two jutsus." Sasuke was glaring at me. "You passed and you only know two jutsus?!" He sounded pissed.

"To be fair, I think I'm decent in hand to hand combat." Kakashi nodded. "You created your own stance. I would say you're above average for hand to hand." "I didn't create it, it's just old." Kakashi turned towards the others. "I decided that you guys won't have to go back to the academy." Naruto cheered with Sakura. "You three will be dropped from the program."

They all fell silent as I glared at Kakashi. "No they won't. They have bells." "No they don't." I placed a bell on Naruto's head. I gave the other two their bells. "I see bells in their hands." The three of them were staring at me. Sasuke thrusted his back into my hand. "I'm not a charity case."

I sighed. "You have it. He said get a bell not to keep it. I did that." Kakashi sighed. "The point of this test was about teamwork." I stared at him. Such a simple point and I missed it?! "The only one out of you to get it was Koya and he did unknowingly." I gaped at him.

"Sasuke, you thought he would bring you down. Naruto, you thought you had to do everything yourself. Sakura, while yes you went to look for Sasuke, you ignored your other teammate. The very one that helped you. You three don't have what it takes to be a ninja." I was still staring at him while the others were looking down in shame.

"You can't judge them for that though." That got everyone to look at me. "Oh, and why's that?" "They were never taught that at the school. They wouldn't teach that to themselves either. Naruto can barely get to school in the mornings because the villages somehow hate him. Sakura is too busy trying to get Sasuke's attention. Sasuke's teammate betrayed his family. I'm sorry but it's not their fault. Well, maybe Sakura's but still."

"Why do you know this?" "These are the people who will have my back in battle. I wanted to know what made them tick. I was taught and raised differently than them." Silence. "Fine." Sasuke looked like he snapped. He ran at Kakashi and Kakashi just placed a foot on him once he got Sasuke to the ground.

"Sasuke-kun!" My ears. I couldn't hear the stuff Kakashi was saying until, "Sakura kill Koya and Naruto if you want Sasuke to live. If she doesn't do it, Koya, stab Sakura." "Can I just kill myself and get it over with?" Kakashi just gave me a look. "No you can't just kill yourself. But life is full of choices and some are hard to make."

He sighed. "Fine. You guys will have a second chance. Eat up but nobody feeds Naruto." "It's fine guys. I have the stomach of iron." Cue the growling stomach. Kakashi turned to me as Naruto blushed red. "You are coming with me though." I sighed. "But I want to eat." "We have to discuss your lack of jutsus."

Oh no. "Look, to be fair, I don't care." Naruto snickered. Kakashi gave me what I believe to be the 'come-with-me-or-you'll-be-in-trouble face. I sighed. "Fine. I guess I could use a few pointers." Kakashi grabbed me and we poofed away. I thought we were actually leaving until we appeared in the bushes nearby. He handed me a bento and it looked familiar. Wait, I made this.

"Kakashi, these were meant to be for something else." He looked at me and made a shush sound. Excuse me. I made these for the training practice on Sunday with Lee and his team. This no good... I sighed and started eating. "You'll have to make more later." "Fine now shush. I'm watching your teammates." "Perv." He sighed.

Something happened and he poofed away. Thunder crackled and I jumped. I thought the skies were clear?! This is not okay. It just stopped though. The hell? I looked over the bush to see Kakashi talking to the team. I started walking over. "Those who breaks the rules are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum."

He turned toward a stone. I looked at it and it hit me. All those names. "These people are KIA." Naruto thought hard than shouted, "That's it, my name will be on here." I stared at him. "As long as I'm trying, no it won't. Not while you're on this team." They jumped and looked over at me. Did they not realize I was here? Naruto snapped out of it. "Huh, why?"

Kakashi was about to explain but I knew he probably had friends on here. He shouldn't have to explain in front of their stone. "KIA means killed in action. These people went out to fight and never came home." Silence. I bowed in respect at the stone. I muttered a quick prayer for them as well. Naruto was silent. I sighed. "I got to go Kakashi-sensei."

He nodded. "Be home by 9." "What are you, my dad?" "How about Guardian." "How about I'll probably be home before 9." He nodded and I walked off. I didn't have much to do. I just wanted to get away from my team for a bit. I have a feeling things were going to change.


It's a little short, sorry. There you have it though, chapter 13 concluded. Fun fact really fast, in Arizona, it's illegal for you to a donkey in your bathtub past 9 p.m. Also, my next update might be a spam update? Is that what it's called when you update like 4 chapters or more? I don't know.

With that in mind, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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