Chapter 26

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Thanks for reading. I decided on adding some fluff. Enjoy the adorable Nee. 


"Nee!" I looked down at Nee as I stormed down the road. He smiled at me. I gave him a small smile and patted his head. "I know I know. We should get going though. We're having guests for a change. Isn't it great?!" "Nee!" I happily walked the rest of the way. I shouldn't let what Sasuke said bother me, after all, we'll be having guests soon.

I wonder what they would like to eat? I could make something that could be simple or maybe something from my world. Enchiladas or Pork cutlets? Which one? I looked down at Nee. "Nee, enchiladas or pork cutlets?" "Nee!" "Yeah, enchiladas are the best choice." Nee did a little happy dance. I laughed as I unlocked my door. Inside, the plants were growing better. The vines were close to the couch and the flowers on the table were thriving. (Up above) It wasn't really a place for most quests.

Kakashi called me crazy when I first got all these plants. But he thought they weren't going to last long due to them being half dead. I couldn't leave them like that. Because of that, I got them for free. Now they're thriving and Kakashi regrets saying yes. People can call me crazy and all but the plants make me feel safe. They protect me and in return, I care for them. It's the unspoken argument we both have. Don't ask how, I don't even know. I went into the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients. They didn't have any enchilada sauce so I have to make some from scratch.

Nee was playing with one of the vines in the hallway. The apartment was a simple two bedrooms and two baths. It was a nice place for one person. Anway, I went to the next thing I needed to do. I like making tortillas from scratch so I had to do that next. After about 2 hours of this, the enchiladas were ready to go in the oven. After I put it in, I heard a knock on my door. "It's open!"

The door opened and Nee came running in the kitchen. "Nee! Nee!" I smiled down at him. "It's fine Nee." Gaara and his team came into view. Temari was staring at Nee. Kankuro was staring at the oven. Gaara was looking at all the plants. "Hi guys! You're early. You can sit on the couch or at the table." Gaara just stood near one of the counters, Temari and Kankuro sat at the table.

"So what's Suna like? I heard that they have fantastic cacti." Gaara looked at me with a small sparkle in his eyes. "Cacti?" I smiled and nodded. I was baking cookies for dessert and was just mixing the ingredients. I might've had flour in my hair and on my face. "Yeah, I have a few around here so if you want to look at them." Gaara nodded his head. I looked at Nee who was hiding behind the blender. "Can you grab Turbinicarpus on please?" "Nee!" Nee ran off to the second bedroom. Temari watched as Nee ran off. "What is that?"

"His name is Nee. He's a greenman. He's also my friend. Please don't hurt him or..." I turned towards her and titled my head with a glare. I released a little blood lust. "I'll kill you nice and slow." They were all staring at me. I shrugged and went back to the cookies. "I lost my best friend once and I won't lose him." I'm sorry Shuzin.

The oven beeped and I pulled out the enchiladas. They stared at it. Kankuro was the first to question it. "Is it supposed to be green?" I nodded. "That's the sauce. It's really good, I promise. It has chicken and rice in it. Cheese is melted on the top of the burrito." Kankuro's eyes had huge sparkles. "Do you want one or two?" "Two!"

I handed Kankuro his plate as Temari requested one. Gaara didn't ask anything. "Do you want one or no?" Gaara stared at it. So he wants one but doesn't want to ask. Okay, then I'll just tease him. It's hard not to. I haven't teased anyone for so long since Naruto became more immune. I can't let this opportunity go. I grabbed a plate of two and went to sit.

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