Chapter 27

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Thanks for reading. Time for the chunin exams. Please enjoy. Long chapter. +1300 words.


It was the day of the chunin exams. I sighed as I got ready. I needed to get ready for anything. I put on a simple short kimono that had long sleeves. It was a white in the middle that faded to an orange color. The ruffles and the sash were red. The skirt was black. I really liked the way it looked. Nee was jumping around all happy like. He was excited to see Gaara again. I laughed as he tripped and fell on his face. He looked up at me like he was shocked.

I had a small bag on my back which held my sealing scrolls. I looked in the mirror as I did a small twirl. My hair was towards my shoulders so I pulled it up in a small ponytail. Once I had deemed myself ready, I grabbed Nee. "You ready to see Raccoon?" Both Nee and I had decided that Gaara's nickname has to be Raccoon. I placed Nee on my shoulder, grabbed my paper and raced out of the house.

I ran into Naruto as I ran towards the school. "Hey Naruto!" "Hey Koya! Are you ready for this?!" I nodded and Nee jumped up and down. How he didn't fall off my shoulder, the world will never know. Sasuke was inside the school grounds as we walked in. Nee made some sort of snarling sound. I looked at Sasuke and looked away. I was not in the mood to deal with him. We waited a few minutes until Sakura showed. She looked stressed. "Hey Sakura!" "Oh, hey Naruto." Yep, stressed. "Sakura, you'll do fine. You're a great kunoichi." She looked at me and smiled.

"Well, let's get going then." Naruto and I both nodded and we took off inside. Sakura smiled and shook her head at us. Sasuke just scoffed. Whatever Sasu-gay. We started walking up the steps when I heard someone talking. "Please let us through." I looked over to see Tenten. Some dude was about to kick her and I saw Lee was going to kick him. I raced over and grabbed both of their legs. "Lee, lets not start fights now. And aren't you guys supposed to be at the gates?"

Izumo chuckled as he released his transformation jutsu. "Haha, you caught us. How are ya?" I sighed and smacked him upside the head. "Where's your boyfriend?" He turned beetroot red. "B...boyfriend?!" "Yeah. Kotetsu right?" He just fell back. Neji was glaring at me when I faced the group. Lee was looking at me and Sakura. "Is something wrong Lee?" He kneeled on the ground.

"You must be Sakura Haruno! You're so youthful! Please go out with me! I promise to take care of you!" I stifled a laugh. Sakura looked at him in surprise. She then looked at me. "Um... can you translate please?" I nodded. "He says you're pretty and he wants to take you out for a date. He would be a gentleman to you." She nodded. She quickly bowed to him. "I'm sorry! I can't go out with you. It's not that you're not my type, it's just not a good time to ask someone out." I smiled at her. She really has changed since we've been training together. I was proud of her. Sasuke and Naruto were staring at her in shock. "S...Sakura-chan?!" We both shrugged at the boys. "We should get going."

As we were walking away, Neji stopped us. "Who are you?" I looked back to see Neji looking at Sasuke. Another obsessed with the Duck-butt. I sighed and looked back at the other three. "We should keep moving. Let Sasuke deal with him." Naruto nodded. Sakura shrugged and started walking. Sasuke looked at Neji. "It's common courtesy for you to give your name first."

With that he walked away with us. We got to a place with a balcony when I heard a shout. "Wait!" We looked back to see Lee running up to us. I sighed. "Lee, we don't have time to fight." Sakura giggled as Lee had a glum cloud hanging over him. Wait, when Lee fights, Guy will be sure to show. I can't do the enthusiasm right now. I just turned and walked away.

Nee peeked up at me through my bag. "Nee?" I nodded. "Raccoon is close by. We're nearly there." Nee threw up his hands. I laughed as I saw the door. Kakashi appeared. "Where's the rest of the team?" "Being themselves. I figured that I could go alone for the chunin exams. They need a three man team but I would be the fourth. I'll just take it myself." Nee nodded along with me. Kakashi looked at me worried. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I got Nee after all."

He sighed and nodded. "Okay then. Good luck." I placed Nee on my shoulder as I walked through the doors.

Third person

Everyone looked over at the doors. In came a single girly looking boy. They just stared as they seemed to search the room for something or someone. They seemed to lit up as they found who they were looking for. Some boys blushed and girls too. They raced over to the one person everyone seemed to be avoiding. The red hair sand nin. "Raccoon-chan!" A couple people gasped. They knew that the red head would probably kill the greenette. To everyone's surprise, the red head held out his hand.

A small plant-like creature hopped on his hand. He ran up the boy's arm and sat on his shoulder. The greenette seemed to chuckle and pat the boy's head. A boy with round glasses walked over.

Koya's POV
I looked over at the boy who reminded me of snakes. He just had an aura around him. "What do you need sir?" While all Gaara glared at him. "Leave." I sighed at his attitude. "Gaara, he might need something." "Mhm." I looked back at him. "Is there anything you need?" He nodded. "Who are you?" I tilted my head. "I'm...." "Why do you need to know?" I looked at Gaara and went back to the boy. What is wrong with those two? "Um...Gaara, it's fine."

"Leave us alone." The boy flinched under Gaara's glare. I guess the boy threatened Gaara? I don't understand how but he must've. The boy went to the group near the front. They were creating a lot of communion. "Hey Gaara, I'm going to tell that group to quiet down. They're creating targets on their backs." I went to turn away when Gaara grabbed my wrist. "Sit." I tilted my head. "I'll be right back." He shook his head. "Mother also says you have to sit."

I huffed. I would rather not make Gaara's mother angry. I sat and crossed my arms. Nee copied me but on Gaara's shoulder. Temari and Kankuro were stifling their laughter. I felt eyes on me and I looked over to see Sasuke glaring at us. I sighed and turned away. I'm not in the mood. "So what are you guys going to do?" Temari shrugged. "Probably going wing it." I nodded. "That's a great plan." Kankuro scoffed. "Yeah, if we were idiots." "Which is why it would work." Temari barked out in laughter. "He got you there."

There was some yelling behind us. I looked back to see snake boy on the floor puking. I quickly stood. Gaara grabbed my wrist again and shook his head. I glared for a second and sat back down. I looked back to see the snake boy being yelled at by Sound nin. All of a sudden a booming voice yelled, "Quiet down you punks!" The smoke cleared from the door and there stood a man. There were a bunch of ninjas around him.

This is going to be troublesome. He led us to a different room where we had assigned seating. I was right next to Gaara. We weren't that surprised. The man dubbed Ibiki went on explaining how the test worked. I didn't have to worry about my team failing, I was alone. He mentioned about no cheating three times. I guess we had to cheat. I looked down at Nee who was now on my shoulder. "Hey Nee," I whispered. He looked up at me. "I need you to look at the answers for some papers."

"Nee!" He took off and seemed to get to the roof quite easily. I don't even know how. "Let the chunin exams begin. Turn over your paper and start." I turned over my paper and looked at the questions. This were stupid questions. I need to get Nee back. I slammed my head on my desk. That got everyone looking at me. I just groaned. "Nee and crackers." Gaara looked at me confused until he saw Nee coming back to my shoulder.

I wasn't going to do this test. Everyone got back to work. I just sighed and began sketching Nee. Screw this test. It was too stupid. I can't wait for this to be over.


I know this sucks and I'm sorry for that. This book is almost coming to a close. It's kinda sad. I didn't even expect to get this far. Man, it's crazy. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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