Chapter 33

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Thank you for reading. This is not the chunin exams, that's the next chapter. Enjoy this one.


"Focus Koya. Let the power of youth..." I glared at him. "If you say youth one more time Gai, I will make sure to make it my life goal to stab you four times in the legs." The other two sweatdropped. So Kakashi decided to ditch me and Sakura to find out how to train. I'm training Sakura but no one is training me. What am I supposed to do?! I went to Gai but he has to train Neji but wants to also help me out. I feel bad for doing this but I have to find someone. I looked at Gai from my handstand.

I've been holding this position for the last 5 minutes. I was surprised that I wasn't struggling yet. I guess Kakashi obstacle races helped. "Gai, if I asked Ibiki to train me, do you think he will?" He didn't answer. "Gai-sensei?" I looked at Tenten and then Neji. No one was looking at me. "What's wrong?" Neji looked at me. "Why would Ibiki train you?" Oh shoot. I forgot to tell them why I'm training with them. " Kakashi left to go train Sasuke. Naruto left to train with someone else. I'm training Sakura and I went to Gai-sensei for some of my training."

Neji looked angry. I couldn't tell with the other two. "So he didn't get you a sensei at all?" "Nope. I think he did with Naruto but the boys often forget about me." That got Gai-sensei's attention. "How?" I got out of the handstand and sat in criss-cross applesauce style. "Well, at our first mission, I was kidnapped by two rouges. They treated me okay so I didn't really care. I escaped two days later and went to find them. Kakashi was hurt and resting. I thought it would be okay. When Sakura and I went to guard the bridge, the bridge builder and Sakura left me at the bridge."

I shrugged. "Another man decided to help me out and give me a place to stay. The old lady was also really nice. They let me call Opa and Oma. The team didn't notice I was gone for a week." Neji looked confused. "Oma and Opa?" I nodded. "Grandma and Grandpa." Tenten smiled. "Anyway, I came back and I noticed they were getting too close to a rouge. I stopped them. I know, stupid, but I was close to him." I smiled sadly. "In the process though, I lost my friend."

I once again shrugged. "Not the point though. Anyway, when we came back, Kakashi wouldn't seem to train Sakura and I. He would start having us a chance to 'rest'. Sakura and I both knew that was bullshit. Pardon my language. So I took it upon myself to begin training Sakura. At first we would just get stronger. After a while though, I figured she needed something to study. She's a genius after all. I gave her options and she chose medical. I didn't know a lot about it but enough to get her started. I guess I felt bad that she didn't have a proper sensei." I made a what-can-you-do-about-it face.

"When Kakashi disappeared, I found out Naruto was being trained by someone else. He sent him with a closet pervert. I was angry." I let my eyes darken. "I will find Kakashi and give me a piece of my mind. How dare he favor Sasuke over his other students. If he just trains Sakura right, she could become a medical ninja! Naruto wants to become the Hokage and Kakashi isn't helping him! All Sasuke wants is to get revenge! Are you kidding me?!" I threw up my hands. Man, I really needed to vent. Neji and Tenten were staring at me in shock while Gai was staring at me in surprise. I guess he didn't expect a rant but I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"On top of that, he's training Sasuke because he's the last of his clan. The only thing with that is that he isn't! If Sasuke stopped and thought for a moment, he'll realize that without Itachi, the plans for him to repopulate his clan is near impossible. Sooner or later, the Uchiha clan will die out. He's just too stupid to realize that!" I slammed my hands on the ground. Vines sprouted out of the ground. Neji and Tenten took a step back. "Instead, Kakashi wants to help Sasuke with his revenge driven plan! Sasuke's gonna stray from the village and go get stronger by a rogue or something like that!"

The vines wrapped around my wrists and pulled me to my feet. I was angry. Gai pulled me into a hug. "Being youthful is relieving, isn't it?" I buried my face in his chest. Sometimes I forget that in this world, the young learn to fight and kill without showing emotions. I guess I just suck at this. I let a few tears fall for my friend. Tenten stepped closer once the vines left. "Who was your friend?" I smiled sadly with tears streaming down my face. "Her name is Shizun." Gai hugged me one last time. "Training starts now." I nodded. I will get stronger for the chunin exams. "Now run 5 laps around the village." Two groans and one sigh was the only response he got.

~Timeskip brought to you by Sakura yelling at Lee to get back to bed~

"Again. More youth!" I sighed and threw another kunai at the target. It hit dead center this time. I threw another one. Dead center again. I kept throwing them at the targets. Again and again. Eventually, Gai called me over to Neji. "Neji, spar with Koya. Use youth!" We both looked at each other. "You want to win?" Neji glared at me. "You gonna throw the match?" "Nah, I was thinking rock-paper-scissors actually." He threw a punch at my face. I dodged and went for a low kick.

He jumped and threw a kick at my head. I did a back handspring and landed with three kunais in my hand. I threw them and he dodged again. He turned on his eyes and went on the full offence. I think he was trying to do the gentle palm. I kept trying to dodge. A few hit my arms. I couldn't feel my chakra anymore. I needed to end this. I dodged another hand. I quickly grabbed his arm and chucked him over my shoulder. His eyes widened as he went flying.

Mine did too. How the frick frack did I throw him like that? He did a flip in midair and landed. Most would brush it off except, he was on the other side of the field. Gai was grinning at me. "YOUTH!" "Shut it!" Neji and I glared at each other. "Draw?" "Draw." We were both tired from a whole day of training and then sparing. I collapsed on the ground and gazed up from the ground. "Imma gonna take a nap now." Tenten's head snapped towards me. "At least, make it home." I shook my head. "Me need sleep." I closed my eyes and the darkness enveloped me.


Thank you for reading. I know that I'm going to get backlash for the Kakashi thing. Please don't do it in the comments though. I will delete it if it's rude. That's about it. So I'll see you in the chapter. Bye.

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