Chapter 25

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I kinda had the original deleted somehow so this one is smaller and I apologize for that. Other than that, please enjoy.


I got to the bridge first. I waited as Sakura was the second one to show up. She raced over to me. "Koya, guess what?!" I smiled. "What?" "I figured out how to water walk just like you told me!" I laughed and patted her head. "Good job. Now next, I want you to figure out what you want to study." "Study?" I nodded. "Well, there's Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu. You can also branch off to medical and Fuinjutsu. I think you might be good at medical. The problem with medical is that you'll be the support of the group. You can't be like Naruto and Sasuke and face things head on."

"I want to try medical!" I smiled and handed her a book on the basics. "Read and memorize." She nodded. So let me clarify for those who are confused, I started "training" Sakura. After seeing that Kakashi paid more attention to the boys, I took it in my hands for our training. Sakura was smart. Sure she didn't come from a clan family but that's what made her special. She didn't have large chakra supplies and look at how far she's come.

We were in the middle of getting larger chakra supplies for her though. She was getting over the whole Sasuke obsession thing slowly but surely. We were talking about how I should get a haircut cause it's now down to my upper back. Sakura suddenly screeched. Ah, Sasuke's here. I turned around to see Sasuke walking towards us. As soon as he saw me, his fists clenched. "Hey Sasuke-kun." He ignored Sakura and came straight to me.

"What did you tell them?" "Told who what?" "That sand team. What did you tell them?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, I told them that my apartment is right next to their hotel so if they need anything, they could come to me." "Nothing about our team?" "Why would I be giving them that info. It's like you're saying I would betray this team. Sakura and Naruto need me currently so I can't even if I wanted to." Sasuke crossed his arms. "So you would betray us?" I shrugged. "Depends. If you were doing something that isn't right then yeah. I don't do stuff without a reason."

Naruto showed up. "What's wrong with Teme? He seems angry." I guess Sasuke took that as a sign to snap at me. "He's my problem! Have any of you wondered why he survived that day on the bridge?!" My eyes widened. "Stop talking." "Why?! Cause you know you did something wrong?! Cause you know we'll figure out that you betrayed us to those missing nin?!" "Shut up Sasuke, last chance."

I was glaring at him. Naruto was staring at me in shock while Sakura was concerned for the both of us. Sasuke was glaring at me. "Why should I?" "You have no idea what I had to go through." "No, I think you don't understand what I've gone through." Crack. "You probably had a good life before you ran away here." Crack. "You don't know pain!" Snap. I lowered my head.

Third person

They watched as Koya lowered his head. Sasuke was smirking at him. "I'm right, aren't I." Sakura could only stare. Naruto was glaring at Sasuke. "You know nothing about pain. You are just a spoiled brat." Quickly, Koya had Sasuke pinned against the rail of the bridge. Sasuke's eyes widened as he looked at Koya. Tears were streaming down his face and the look in his eyes was hatred.

"Sasuke, shut up. You know nothing. My clan is dead for your information. The day on that stupid fucking bridge is when I lost the person I cared about!" He pushed Sasuke away. "Don't act like you know me." Kakashi decided now would be a good time to appear. What he saw was chaos. Koya looked ready to murder someone, Sasuke looked like himself, Naruto was ready to kill Sasuke, and Sakura looked ready to punch Sasuke. Sakura's reaction was the one to surprise him the most.

"What's going on?" Koya didn't answer and turned away from the group. Sasuke stared at Kakashi. Instead, it was Sakura. "It was all because of Sasuke. He accused Koya of a lot of stuff that wasn't true. He said something that seemed close to home for Koya. He snapped at Sasuke." They were all staring at Sakura. This was the first time Sakura sided with someone other than Sasuke.

"Okay then. Anyway, the chunin exams are coming and I signed you guys up. It's 2 days away so sign these and give them to me there." Koya grabbed his and walked off. They watched as he walked away.


Again, I apologize for the short chapter. I hoped you still enjoyed it. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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