Chapter 2

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Hi, thank you for reading. I do hope you enjoy. Let me know if I spelled anything wrong.


When I came too, I heard birds. I was laying on some grass and everything. Then all the memories came. It just showed what happened and what I learned. So my clan's already dead. Just fantastic. I sighed as I opened my eyes. 'Hello?' 'You're finally awake. It's been so long' 'It's you.' 

'Just call me Shizen.' 'That's a great name for you.' 'Thank you. Now we should get moving.' 'Yeah yeah.' I looked around as I stood up. I was in a forest. What forest, I have no clue. There was a small stream and I couldn't help wondering what I looked like.

I had light blue eyes and green hair. My hair was shoulder length and pale skin. I had girly features and I loved it. (Picture up top) 'You finished?' 'Oh shut up.' I heard snickering and then silence. I sighed. I looked around and noticed I had no idea where to go. 'Which way should I go?' 'Go south. Birds go south for the winter.' 

'Fantastic logic.' 'Thank you.' 'You're welcome.' I went south. It was a nice way to go. After about 3 hours, I saw something in the distance. It looked big and wooden. A wall maybe? 'Bout time you got this far.' I sighed. 

I found a road or at least I think it was a road. I started walking on it. The wooden structure was getting closer and closer. Eventually, I saw two big gates. So I was right. As I walked up, there were two people sleeping. I think they were supposed to guarding the gate but failing. 

I walked towards them and stopped a few feet away. 'Pathetic. And they call themselves ninjas.' 'Oh stop it. They're probably tired. That's all.' 'Mhm. Sure.' I sighed and walked over to the man with a bandage over his nose. I tapped his shoulder and he didn't wake up. I touched his shoulder again. Nothing.

"Sir, please wake up." Still nothing. 'Get a vine and hang him upside down.' 'That would be mean.' 'His fault for not waking up.' 'What about the other one?' 'Leave him.' I nodded. I placed both of my hands on the ground and closed my eyes. I concerted and a vine came out of the ground. It grabbed the man and slowly pulled him into the air. It grabbed him by the ankles and hung him upside down.

He slowly came to. His eyes opened to see me a few feet under him. His eyes widened and he screamed. That woke the other one and he fell out of his chair. I looked at him and he stared at me. "Who are you?" The other one was still screaming. "Are you lost little girl?" Little girl? I looked down at what I was wearing and it clicked. 

I was wearing a white dress that was torn and ripped at the bottom. It had dirt covering it. I was barefoot. I looked back at him. "So are you lost?" I nodded. It was the truth. I didn't know where I was. He looked at his partner. "Can you let him down?" I nodded and placed my hands back on the ground and the vines dropped him. He fell to the floor with a thud.

Third person

He rubbed his ankles while staring at the girl. She looked so perquilar. The green hair wasn't known anywhere. Izumo crouched next to her and she took a step back. "Where did you come from?" She pointed towards the forest. Is she a mute or something? "What's your name?" She grabbed a stick and wrote in the dirt. Koya. 

Kotetsu snickered. "Isn't that a boy's name?" She nodded and wrote again in the dirt. I am a boy. They both stared at him. "You're a boy?" To which he nodded. "Why don't you talk?" People make fun of me. They say my voice is weird. 

Little did they realize, it was because he lost a bet with Shizen. "We're going to have to take you to the Hokage." He tilted his head. "He's the leader of the village." He nodded. "So, Kotetsu, wanna take him?" "No, you take him." "I took the last one though. You'll complain about it later." "I don't want to take him." Izumo sighed. 

"Come on Koya." Koya grabbed Izumo's hand which surprised both guards. Izumo shrugged and walked into the village, leaving Kotetsu behind. A few minutes later Kotetsu muttered, "I should've taken him."


Sorry for the first chapter. Koya will be speaking in the next chapter and he will not be mute. I'm not saying there isn't anything wrong with being mute. It's just this character will have a lot of sass that needs to be yelled sometimes. That's all. Thank you for reading. Any questions means feel free to ask.  

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