Chapter 16

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Thank you for reading. Enjoy this chapter because there's gonna be crying from a character. There also isn't much fighting as other fanfics.


I looked over at Kakashi as we drew near the puddle. He looked at me and nodded. Great, if we die, I'm haunting Neji. As we passed the puddle, I couldn't help it. It was a puddle and Kakashi gave me permission. I looked back at Kakashi one more time and he nodded. I smiled and began jumping in the puddle.

"What are you doing Baka?" I grinned at Sasuke. "Jumping in a puddle. Kakashi gave me permission to jump." Kakashi sighed and shook his head. "Not what I thought you meant." "A puddle is a puddle. I jump in puddles." "You're such a kid." "Yes, I am." We decided to continue.

As soon as I turned my back, two ninjas came from the puddle. Their weapons sliced Kakashi into pieces. I screamed. Not again. I can't lose any more family. The two ninjas began running at us. I couldn't do anything but scream. Koya, calm down. You need to calm down. You're going to kill them!

Kakashi's dead! I clutch my head and fell to my knees.

Third POV

Team Seven stared as Koya screamed. Vines shot out of the ground and had wrapped around the ninjas. They didn't know if they were still alive or not. Kakashi quickly ran out of hiding. He dropped to his knees next to the screaming boy. "Koya! I'm right here! I'm okay! You need to calm down!"

It took awhile but Kakashi managed to get through to him. He looked at him through the tears. "You're alive? Not another nightmare?" Kakashi shook his head. He launched himself at Kakashi. "I...I thought you were dead! You can't do that to me! I can't lose any more family!" The others were confused. The vines went away and the brothers fell, gasping for air.

"He never told us that clan was here!" The brothers got up to run but they were quickly tied to a tree. Don't ask how, anime logic. Kakashi was now holding a sobbing boy and glaring at Tazuna. "Can you explain what's going on? We both knew you were lying."

Tazuna didn't complain and launched into an explanation. He tried to guilt trip them when Koya calmed down enough. "Sorry Kakashi." "It's okay kiddo, I forgot." Koya stood and swayed. Kakashi quickly put out to catch Koya if he fell. A deadly surrounded Koya as he walked over to the two ninjas.

Kakashi did a quick prayer for the men. That clan had major bi-polar issues. Koya smiled down at them. "Now who are you two? Why did you try to kill Kakashi?" They both stayed silent. "I wouldn't stay quiet if I were you. I'll give you three seconds and if you don't answer, I'll just kill you." Silence from both sides. The more stupid of the brothers spoke first.

"I doubt you can little girl. Now just go home and do your makeup." The smarter brother attempted to hit him. He was unable to due to them being tied up. Koya sighed and placed a hand on his cheek. "Such a shame. Now how shall I do it?" Naruto was the first on the other side to want to stop him. "What are you doing Koya?!"

He looked back at him and grinned. "Protecting my family." "They can't hurt us! They're tied up!" "They would've killed you in a heartbeat because they were hired to." "Actually, we were hired to kill Tazuna." The other brother sighed and hung his head. "This is why you don't speak. You give away everything." "Well I'm sorry if I just wanted to correct the kid." Koya looked back at them and his smile turned sly. "Who hired you?"

Silence. He turned towards Naruto again. "Someone hired them to kill Tazuna. My guess would have to say the people he buys his sake from." "Wrong again little girl. His name is Gato." The other brother hissed at him. "Stop talking Maizu. You're giving everything away." "No I'm not Gozu."

"Yes you are." "Oh really, what did I give away?" "Who we're working for and who our target is!" "At least I'm not the one who gave away our names!" "They would know our names! We're in the bingo book!" "Stop acting like you know everything!" "If you acted smart then I wouldn't have to!" Team seven was sweat dropping. Koya was trying not to laugh.

He couldn't contain it anymore and bent over, clutching his stomach. It was silent apart from Koya's laughter. No one expected it to sound so... nice? When he finally calmed down, he wiped away a stray tear. "You two are a hoot. Thanks for the info Maizu. Gato, try not to be so hard on him."

They were confused. "What?" "We'll let you go but you'll owe all of us a favor." Gato thought about it while Kakashi was shaking his head. "No. They'll be turned in." Koya gave him a sideways glance. "Which would you rather have, two brothers that want to murder you and can possibly do it? Or two brothers that owe you and can murder someone for you? It's pretty simple really." Gato nodded. "We're in." "Wait brother?!" "What?" They all turned towards Naruto and Sakura.

Sakura was the first to speak seeing as Naruto was speechless. "How do you know that they'll keep their word? It just seems like a big risk to me!" Koya sighed. "I know their code." Silence once again. Gato was slightly angry when he spoke again. "How?!" "My father was taught by Juzo Biwa. As oldest son, he taught me."

"Where is your father?!" He gave them a sad smile. "His ashes are still in my clan's compound." Kakashi took him by the arm. "I thought you didn't know what killed them?!" "I don't, I went back after I woke up. I burned my father as such thing to do when your father dies." The demon brothers seem to have heard him. "Man. Harsh kid." Laughter rang throughout the silence. "Harsh?! I gave that old man much more than he deserved! I should've left him for the wolves!"

"What clan?" He stared at Gato while giving Maizu a glare once in awhile. "Mishima." Silence before laughter. "Sorry kid. Heard about what happened. That clan head though." "I can agree with that. Full of himself too." He sighed before looking at the others. "Should we get going? I have a feeling that these two won't be the only ones we're seeing before we get there." Kakashi nodded.

Koya quickly cut them free. They were still staring at him. "Why'd Biwa teach him?" "He wanted to teach someone else in the clan but had to go through the clan head. Simple." They nodded and disappeared. I looked back at the still shocked others. Sasuke was regaining his composure through. Can't say much for the other two. "Well, we should get going."

I took the lead this time. No one argued. 


So how was it? You'll possibly be getting a backstory on Koya's clan soon. I don't know how though. Maybe just spilling to Kakashi. Before anyone asks, looking at you (You know who you are {Don't play dumb [Yes you. I won't say names though]}), Kakashi is like and uncle to him. Any suggestions will be welcomed.

Should I do a sneak peak into what might happen in the future? Let me know please. Anyway, thank you for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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