Chapter 5

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Thank you for reading. People, don't be idiots and stay safe. That's it, enjoy.


It was quiet when I awoke the next morning. I stayed up late trying to catch up with everyone else. I learned several jutsus and caught up with the curriculum. Overall, I got 3 hours of sleep. I quickly changed into my new favorite outfit. (Up top but just with a dark green jacket)

I put on the black camo boots and my black fingerless gloves. My blue camo pants were baggy. I wore this crop top type shirt. It was black. I had a dark green jacket. I had a few dog tags that I still somehow had from my other world. All my friends and family names were engraved into it.

I guess that was the only thing I had that left from them. I wonder how my friends are taking my death. I shook my head. I can't think about that. I walked into the academy 5 minutes late, I got lost. The lady at the front desk didn't even look up when I walked in.

"Excuse me mame?" She looked up and was surprised to see me. "My name is Koya Mashima and I was wondering what class I'm in." She nodded and looked in her file cabinet. "Ah, Koya Mashima. You're in Iruka's class. It's down the hall and to the left. It's the last door on the right." I bowed. "Thank you very much mame."

She looked shocked as I ran off. I went the way she told me and came to a door. I could hear all the noise on the other side. Fantastic. I knocked on the door. The class went silent and it kinda scared me. The door opened and I saw a man with a scar across his nose. "Are you Iruka?" He nodded.

I bowed. "I'm Koya Mashima, the new student." "Sorry, I forgot about it." "It's not a problem. I did just come to the village. Perhaps we should go inside. I like to learn all I can from you." He nodded and told me to stay put while he informed the class.

I heard him talking. "Class, we have a new student today." He was quickly interrupted before he could say more. "Is it a girl?" "Why are they coming now?" "Are they going to be behind?" "Is it smart to come so soon to the test?" I could tell Iruka was getting frustrated. "If you guys would let me talk, I would finish." The class went silent as he sighed. People around me tend to sigh a lot. "They are new to the village. Just came yesterday in fact."

He turned to the door which was slightly open so I could see him. "Come on in."

Third person

The class waited as the new kid came in. There was a good shock when they came in. He had green hair and blue eyes. They obviously weren't from around here with his outfit. He bowed and said, "My name is Koya Mashima. I'm new to the village." Iruka nodded. "Any questions for Koya?" Hands shot up.

Koya pov

I pointed to the boy with a dog on his head. "Are you a boy or girl?" I smirked. Why not have fun with this life. I know that I would make Shizen proud. "Why don't you find out?" He and several other boys turned red. What the heck is wrong with them? Iruka chuckled.

I then pointed to the girl with bright pink hair. "Who do you like?" I tilted my head. "Um... is there a correct answer to this? I don't understand?" She sighed. "Who would you date in here?" "If I have to say, I would choose Casper the ghost. None of you have appealed to me yet." That shocked the class.

I picked the boy with duck like hair. "Do you have a clan?" I smiled sadly. "It was the Mashima clan. They weren't very nice though." I pointed to the boy with pineapple hair while ignoring duckbutt's facial expression. I don't need no pity. "Why did you come this late into the year? The test is 4 days away." I smiled at him.

"I just came to the village yesterday. I've been traveling around and happened upon this village. It was much different from what my village was so I decided to stay. Don't worry about me with the test, I'll be just fine." He seemed to like my answer because he laid his head back down on his desk.

I chose the last person and it was a guy with a bag of chips. "What was your village like? Where was your village?" I grinned. "It was in the Mist. I noticed here that no one is trying to kill each other for territory or power. It's quite interesting. I wonder what the final exam is here. Where I'm from, it's quite... how do I put it, gruesome? Violent? Deadly? Different? Yeah, I'll go with different"

That seemed to scare the class. Iruka clapped his hands and everyone jumped. "Why don't you take a seat, Koya?" "Where?" "Go find one." I looked around. There were three empty seats. One by a loud blonde, One by an orange blob and one by the duckbutt. I think I'll choose blob.

He stared, as did the rest of the class, as I sat by him. "I hope you don't mind. It was either you, a loud blonde, and a duckbutt. You seemed the best choice." Several snickers echoed around the room. He still seemed mute as he nodded. Hm, must be a smart kid.

I nodded and turned to face the front. I need to know everything I could before the test. I don't like failing tests. I wonder why Shizen has yet to talk to me.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you in the next chapter. Ja'ne  

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