Chapter 24

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Thank you for reading. Honestly,  I had way too much fun writing this chapter.  Long chapter. +1,300 words


It had been quite a few days after we started doing D-rank missions. I really needed to go shopping though. I was out of food and I was getting cranky. It didn't help that Sasuke and Naruto are always arguing. We were finishing up our last mission when I finally snapped. They were arguing over something stupid.

The whole day we were walking dogs and stuff like that. Naruto kept messing up and Sasuke was arguing with him. After five hours of this, I snapped. "Can you two shut up!" Even Kakashi looked over at me. "You two are none stop. We are a team! Start working together! We're supposed to have each other's back! How are we supposed to trust each other if we're always at each other's throats!" I sighed. "Kakashi-sensei, I have shopping to do. I have to leave. Is that okay?"

Kakashi nodded and I walked off. I mean, we didn't have any other missions to do. I sighed as I walked into the shop and there wasn't much I needed. As I was walking out, I saw Naruto and Sakura. I watched as Naruto talked to some kids. I didn't know he knew any children. Then Sakura got angry. Naruto and the kids raced past me and I followed behind. One of the kids with the scarf ran out into a dude with paint on his face.

Is he a puppet or what? He grabbed the kid and lifted. He's not from around here. I walked over as Naruto was yelling. "Naruto, Sakura! What's going on here? Did you make friends?" I just noticed there was a blondie next to the puppet. The puppet went to drop the kid and I dropped my bags. I raced over and grabbed the kid just before he hit the ground. "Wha?" The puppet dude looked in shocked while the blondie was near panic.

"Kankuro, he'll get angry. We shouldn't cause trouble." I smiled up at him. "So the puppet is Kankuro and who is the blondie?" The girl looked at me in slight shock. "Um... I'm Temari." I stood and held out my hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Koya and those two are my teammates. The blonde one is Naruto and the pinky is Sakura. Are you here for the chunin exams?" Kankuro grabbed my hand before Temari could answer. "You're cute. Why are you in Kohana?" I pulled away my hand and sighed. "You're one of those people. It's quite sad." Shocked silence.

Kankuro growled at me. "What did you say?" "I said that it's quite sad that your attitude changes due to the people around. You should be yourself no matter the people. You also seem to like picking on people that are younger and weaker than you. Might be because of past trauma. Most likely father issues. You shouldn't be picking on kids like you did. It also didn't help that you decided to pick the Hokage grandson which could result in a loss of a treaty. You should learn how to pick your fights."

He seemed to get more and more angry. He looked ready to hit me by the time I finished. Temari was just looking between us two. "You know what? You're dead." He pulled off the thing that was on his back. I'm going to laugh if it's a puppet. That would fit more with his new nickname. Temari tried stopping him. "You're going to use crow?! Don't blame me if he kills you." I tilted my head. "Kill you? I wouldn't kill you." The two of them looked at me confused. "I said he would kill you." "I know. So you're probably talking about another boy." Temari smirked.

"So you're a boy? My brother called a boy cute?" That brought a smile to my face. "I guess he did. I thought you two knew." I shrugged my shoulders. He reached for me and that's when a rock hit his wrist. We all looked up to see Sasuke. "What do you think you're doing?" I sighed as he crushed a rock. Was that him trying to be cool? I heard Sakura muttering about how cool he was. Cool? Nah.

"Kankuro, stop that." I looked up to see a red head that reminded me of a racoon. Temari looked at him in fear and the same with Kankuro. "G...Gaara." "You're an embarrassment to our village. Have you forgotten the reason we're here?" I really don't like this kid. Kankuro spoke fast. "No. They started it. Here's what happened..." "Shut up." Nope, not on my good list. Kankuro gulped.

"Or I'll kill you." Nope, that's it. He needs some manners. Kankuro held up his hands. "I'm sorry Gaara, I was totally out of lines." I grit my teeth. He looked over at Sasuke. "I'm sorry for any trouble he caused." Gaara came down in a whirl of sand. Sasuke jumped down and pulled me away from their group. Not even a second later, Gaara landed where I was.

"Let's go." Oh heck to the no. I don't care if they do things differently, you don't threaten your teammates. "We didn't come here to play games." "A...all right. Sure. I get it." Before I could even talk though, Sasuke went forward. "Hey, you there. What's your name?" I sighed. No one has manners. Temari looked back with a blush. No, not another one.

"W...who?" "No. The gourd next to you." I smacked him upside the head. "Be nice Sasuke. Her name is Temari." Temari looked at me and smiled. I gave her one back. He looked back. "I'm Gaara of the desert. I have an interest in you as well." I coughed. "Gay." Kankuro smiled. Gaara and Sasuke glared at me for a second.

"What's your name?" "Sasuke Uchiha." I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. I walked up to their group as Naruto was asking if they wanted to know his name. I held out my hand to Gaara. "I'm Koya. Are you guys lost perhaps?" He stared at it. I sighed and grabbed his wrist and put his hand in mine. I shook it. "That's how you do a handshake. Have you people never shook hands with others before. You looked at it like it was an alien."

Temari and Kankuro looked at me in shock and slight fear. Gaara was looking at me with small interest. "Mother likes you." My team couldn't hear what we were saying somehow. I tilted my head. Maybe he was like me. I quickly bowed. "Thank you then." More shocked silence. I straightened. "You didn't answer my question though." No answer from Gaara. Temari took this opportunity though. "Yes. We can't find the hotel we're supposed to be in." She gave me a slip of paper with the name on it. "I got you guys. I live right next door to the hotel actually. Let me grab my bags and we can go." I walked back as they waited.

As I was picking up the bags, the children hugged me. "Thank you!"
I smiled down at them. I pulled out some candy. "Here you guys go. Now watch where you're running." They all nodded and I walked back to the sand group. "You guys ready?" They nodded and we started walking. I looked over at Temari. "So you guys are ready for the chunin exams?" Gaara glared. "Mother is ready for blood."

I looked over at him. "You're crazy you know that right?" Silence. I realized that I might've said something offensive. "Wait. Sorry, not my friend group. We called each other crazy because we liked being crazy." Temari tilted her head. "You don't look crazy." I grinned back at her. "That's the point. Shizun would probably be laughing at this point." Gaara looked up at that name. "Mother is wondering how you know that name?" I grinned at him. "Simple, she was the voice in my head. She's also known as the daughter of life. Why I'm telling you this, I have no idea. I can't seem to lie to you guys and that's a problem."

What is wrong with me? I need to stop talking. Gaara looked at me and nodded. Temari and Kankuro were looking at me strangely. "What?" Kankuro shrugged. "How did you touch Gaara?" I was confused. "Like this?" I patted his head and he froze. Temari was staring at me like I had grown a second head. Kankuro was looking at me like I was going to die. "You sand people have strange questions. Anyway, come on, we're nearly there."

They followed. When we got there, I turned back at them. "You guys are probably on the third floor. If you need anything, I'm on the top floor right next to the hotel." They nodded and went to walk inside. I realized they probably wouldn't have any food. "Also, dinner is at 5." They looked back at me in shock. "Bring your sensei too. Just don't mind the plants." Before they could retort, I walked up to my apartment and went inside. Nee came running to me. "Nee!" I smiled and picked Nee up. "We should get going. Kakashi wanted to talk to our team. Then we need to prepare dinner for our guests." "Nee!" I put away the groceries and walked back out.


Well, I hoped you enjoyed. I still really liked how this chapter turned out. You'll find out why he couldn't lie to the sand siblings soon. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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