Chapter 34

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Thank you for reading. I do hope you enjoy this chapter. Real fast, I'm watching Attack on Titan while writing this. Why is this so sad?! Why does your favorite people have to die?! It's another stupid Naruto death again. That's all, thanks for coming to my rant. Enjoy the chapter.


I heard the yelling. I sighed as I stood in the arena. I was one of the first ones there. I stood next to Shikamaru. "You ready to sleep for days after this?" He nodded. That's when I heard my name being called. "Koya!" I looked over to see Temari. I raced over and hugged. "Tem! You never wrote back!" I wrote her a letter asking somethings but she never got back to me. "That was important information that I thought you would like in person instead." I shrugged.

Then I realized. "Where's Gaara?" She smirked. "Missing your boyfriend already?" I blushed. "He's not my boyfriend. I think I blew it when I hugged him. He walked out without another word." Her smirk grew. "So that's why he was so red the whole way home." I looked at her with wide eyes. "W...what?!" She laughed and placed her arm over my shoulder. "Also, nice outfit." I looked down at my outfit.

It was a simple kimono that I made from remembering Harley Quinn from my world. The sleeve on the left side was black and the right side was red. The sash was white with a red and black bow. The bottom half was divided into two different sides. The red diamonds with the black background was on the right. The black diamonds with the red background was on the left. There was a bit more, the bottom of the skirt was a diamond pattern of white and black.

I nodded towards her. "Thanks." She felt the fabric. "I haven't seen anything like this before, where did you get it." She was leading me towards the stairway. "You wouldn't believe me but I made it." "Wha?!" "What's wrong?" I looked over to see Kankuro. "Nothing. I think she's just in shock?" It ended up more like a question. Temari started shaking my shoulders. "You made this?!" I tried to nod. "Temari, let him answer!" She let go of me.

"Y...yes." That's when I heard a different announcer guy yelling at us to line up at the bottom. We were all lined up. "Okay, first is Naruto vs. Neji. Everyone else, please leave this area." We nodded and walked up the stairs. I leaned against the rail. "Give him hell Naruto!" I heard a small chuckle behind me. I turned around to see Gaara. "Gaara!" I quickly hugged him. "How are you?" He hugged back this time. "Good." I smiled at him. Temari came running over. She held my shoulders and pulled me close.

"Gaara, you'll never believe this but he made this!" Gaara looked confused. "Made what?" "This outfit!" He looked me up and down. "Nice job." I blushed a little. Stop acting like a stupid school girl! "Thank you." "And Naruto won this one!" We all looked back to see what happened. Neji was on the ground looking up. They were talking before Naruto was walking over. "Nice job Naruto!" Gaara was next to me. He was looking at Naruto. "Wasn't he great?! My little boy's growing up."

We were waiting for Sasuke but he never showed. I felt the bloodlust and looked at Gaara. He looked...scary. "G... Gaara?" He looked at me and just stared. "Okay, someone is running a little late but next is Kankuro vs. Shino."

They both hopped down when Kankuro raised his hand. "I quit." Wait what? Something's not right here. The crowd was booing but Kankuro didn't seem to care. He walked up and I walked over to him. "Are you feeling alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" He looked confused. "What do you mean?" "You would never walk away from a fight unless something else is going on. You tried to start a fight with a child." Temari giggled while I was still trying to find something wrong with him.

"Okay then. Next up is Temari vs Shikamaru." "Good luck Temari." She jumped off while Naruto pushed Shikamaru off. I sighed and leaned against the wall. I would love to watch the fight but running with three hours of sleep for two days really takes a toll. The nightmares are getting worse. "Hey, wake me up when it's my fight time please." Gaara looked back at me and nodded. I let the darkness consume me again.

Third person

"I'm bleeding!" Sasuke jumped back and waited. Feather began falling from the sky as people began falling asleep. As chaos ensued, no one noticed someone grabbing the greenette who was fast asleep. As they escaped into the forest, they made one fatal mistake as they raced away. As Naruto and Gaara were fighting, they noticed someone with a person tossed over their shoulder. Gaara and even his 'mother' became enraged.

The person didn't even see the sand coming. There wasn't even a chance for them to scream. Koya went flying but was caught by a hand of sand. It curled up around him and pulled him back from the bloody mess and Naruto. Naruto was slightly angry. "Give him back!" Gaara's laugh made Sakura shiver. "Mother likes him. Mine." Naruto was angry. "Give him back!" A full fight started. The entire time though, the sand of fist remained closed. Sakura couldn't do a rescue mission as she was trapped to the tree.

Gaara seemed to have forgotten about her. He was no longer making the sand go tighter. Naruto made some shadow clones and launched at him. "I'm coming! For now, the secret Taijutsu technique, Uzumaki Naruto!" Gaara used another fist sand and trapped three Narutos as they yelled, "Now!" Two more Narutos landed and one launched Naruto at Gaara. He fell behind him and started his hand symbols.

A shadow clone appeared underneath him to help him push off of. "Take this, the Hidden Konoha secret Taijutsu technique I learned from Kakashi-sensei! Thousand years of pain!" No one will describe this technique due to it being a secret for the Konoha. Gaara looked back unamused. He sent Naruto flying with his tail. The kunai that Naruto had hit Gaara with, went off due to the bomb. The poor tree behind him had some of it gone. Sand was falling off of him as he stood. Naruto was yelling and blue chakra started forming around him.

Gaara looked over as he heard Naruto. There were thousands of shadow clones surrounding him. Sasuke looked at him shocked. They threw some throwing stars at Gaara, which he blocked with his arm. Then they kicked him into the air. Then they all began punching him. Meanwhile, in the fist of sand, Koya was still out cold. Gaara crashed to the ground and broke through some dirt. Gaara was pissed as Narutos came after him. "It's impossible that I lose to a guy like this!" The Narutos looked shocked. He sent a wave of sand up to destroy as many clones as possible. Then, Shukaku came out to play.

He lifted the hand holding Koya up to him. "So you're the one that Shizun chose. I can understand why." Koya just turned over in his sleep. He chuckled. He wasn't fond of humans and neither was Shizun but she chose him and he wanted to know why. Sand covered Naruto as he screamed. Naruto did something that most would overlook. He summoned his summonings in a situation where many wouldn't have been calm enough to think. He glared at Gaara as he yelled. "I will protect Koya and Sakura!"

The toad however was not happy. They started talking/arguing until a smaller toad jumped on Naruto's head. "Don't say that and listen to what he has to say, Dad." "Why are you in a place like this?!" The smaller toad just pointed at Shukaku and said, "That's the guy that tried to bully me but Naruto protected me!" "What did you say?" "He would've bullied me if it wasn't for Naruto. Suddenly, the giant toad was in. No one messed with his son and got away with it.

He pulled out his katana and ran at Shukaku. He chopped off his arm as Shukaku growled. He looked back at the toad and Naruto. "Interesting. Interesting, Uzumaki Naruto!" Gaara appeared from the head and Temari's eyes widened. Gaara fell asleep and Shukaku cheered. He was finally allowed to come out. The epic battle began. Shukaku kept cheering and having fun. Naruto henged the toad into the nine tails and they fought. At the right moment, Naruto dropped the henge and punched Gaara awake.

The fist of sand let Koya to the ground. Meanwhile, Naruto and Gaara were still fighting. That's when he unlocked the ninetails chakra. They both headbutted and the sand became weak and it was destroyed. They both landed on trees and went back to fighting until they both hit the ground. Gaara couldn't get up and looked over at Naruto. Meanwhile, Sakura raced to Koya. He seemed to be alright until she noticed the needle mark on his neck. Oh no.

She began freaking out. "Naruto, Sasuke, Koya's been drugged! We need to get to the hospital now!" Temari and Kankuro came out of nowhere and grabbed Gaara and took off. Sasuke lifted Koya and took off towards the hospital. The others waited until help arrived.


Thanks for reading.  The reason I put Koya in this como-like state is so he doesn't follow Naruto to look for Tsunade. That's about it. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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