Chapter One

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It all started when you ex Josh asks you to get back together with him and that's when you realize that dating Chase in the first place was a bad idea and now you're in a bad position because you don't cannot decide between Chase and Josh.

As I went downstairs I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. Chase texted me and told me he was on his way to get me. As Chase pulled up I got a text on my phone. At first I didn't think anything of it until I realized it was Josh. My jaw dropped to the floor, I never thought he would text me after the big argument last year. Then I got into Chase's car and sat down.

Chase: Hey Riley what's up you've been acting really different since you got in the car

Riley: No everything is okay I've just been having a really rough morning this morning and I got into a fight with my mom that's all

Chase: Okay babe whatever you say

*You arrive at school*

Once you get to school you get out of Chase's car and head immediately to Avani's locker.

Avani: Hey Riley are you doing okay you seem off

Riley: The weirdest thing happened this morning I got a text from Josh and now I can't stop thinking about him and it makes me feel like I'm cheating on Chase even though I'm not and so I don't know if I should break up with him or not I could really use your help Avani

Avani: Omg wait what did Josh say

Riley: He said that he needs to talk to me and that it's super important and that Chase can't know about it so I'm super worried

Avani: Honestly Riley Just go with your gut feeling and choose the guy you think is right for you To be honest I've always thought you loved Josh and always will but I think you should talk to chase about it and not keep it from him because the longer you keep it from him the more it hurts what you guys have

Riley: Thanks Avani I think I'm going to talk to chase after school

*School ended*

I get into Chase's car and look at the ground. So many things are going through my head right now and the only thing I can think about is the fact I want to be with Josh and not Chase and I'm regretting getting into his car and not asking Avani to take me home.

Riley: So Chase I think we need to talk about something that has been bothering me the whole day

Chase: What's up also I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight

Riley: Chase I don't know if you'll want me to come over to your house after I say this but I got a text from Josh and I've been thinking about him all day and now before you yell at me no I did not cheat on you with him and I also did not text him back or consider going to see him I judt thought I would let you know because I care about you the most and I would not want to make you upset because I love you more then anything

Chase: I'm not mad and I love you a lot to I was just wondering what he said to you

Riley: He said that he wanted to talk to me and for me not to tell you but of course I was going to tell you because you mean everything to me and I want you and only you.

Chase: Let's meet up with hi together only we won't tell him that I'm coming

Riley: Okay I will

* My biggest regret was saying that I wanted Chase and Only chase. The truth was I only wanted Josh and I knew in my gut that I was in love with Josh and only Josh*

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now