Chapter eighteen

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Riley: Carson your mom is just gone for a few days that's all

Carson: I want her back

(a/n: also guys I just wanted to say thank you to whoever is still reading! Also I'm going to make Stella and Carson 5 and and have the twins stay the same age. )

Riley: I'm sorry Carson but she won't be back for a long time bud. Until she gets back you can hangout with us and you can see Stella and the twins everyday.

Carson: But what If I want my mom to say goodnight to me, or play with me. I just want her home

Josh: Hey Riley what's going on

Riley: Carson knows his mom is gone and he's just asking questions that's all

Josh: Do Mateo and Maria still need to be fed?

Riley: Yes can you please feed them. I know I have been asking you to do a lot so thank you for everything babes

Josh: Are you kidding me?

Riley: What?

Josh: I have not been doing everything babes don't feel so hard on yourself. Plus they're my children and as a dad it is my job to take care of them. So please babes don't feel like you have to say thank you

Riley: I love you Josh

Josh: I love you too

Carson: Can I get water

Josh: Of course bud

Carson: Thank you

Josh got Carson a glass of water and sat him down before he went to go feed the twins. Josh waved for me to come over and help him so I did. Then he handed me Maria and he picked up Mateo

Josh: Look at our little babies

Riley: I know. They're so cute

Josh: I'm so glad I texted you that day.Honestly Riley I was laying bed a couple nights ago anf I really thought to myself wow I love this woman like she is so perfect

Riley: Sometimes I think to myself wow I really chose the right one. I hope Stella and Maria get married to a man who treats you as well as you treat me

Josh: I hope the same for Mateo. I hope he feels the same way about his wife the way I feel when you walk into a room

I fed Maria and then changed her diaper, Josh Put Mateo down and then went to check on Carson

Carson: Where do you guys want me to sleep

Riley: You can go to bed in the guest room where you and your mom slept the night before

Carson: Thank you.Can I call you mom?

Riley: You may call me and Josh whatever makes you feel comfortable

Carson: Okay

I tucked Carson into bed and then went to go to bed with Josh

Josh: Are you doing okay babes

I Started crying as I sat on my bed, Josh held me in his arms and told me everything was going to be okay

Riley: I don't deserve you

Josh: Yes you do babes and everything is going to work out. Charli will be back soon and then Carson will see his mom again and you are doing great with the kids. You're the strongest person I know and I love you

Riley: Thank you Josh and I love you too

I fell asleep in Josh's arms and was nervous to see the lawyer and Josh's parents tomorrow

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now