Chapter thirty

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Josh and I walked out of the meeting and walked to our car

Josh: Do you really think that was the best decision

Riley: We can't keep him away from his father and even though he has messed up he just wants his son back and I know he beat her and treated them badly but maybe he has changed and he really does want him back

Josh: I think you're right maybe he has changed but I think that he just wants Carson back so he can see you more

Riley : Are we seriously getting into this right now
Josh we just lost our son and you think I'm going to leave you for his piece of shit father wow Josh that was really offensive now come on we have to get to Dixie's so that way we can get OUR kids that we had together because I love you and if you even think that I would choose Chase after all of these years that I have been with you I'm really offended and if my mom said something to you about what she said then she should've made to include the fact that after she told me she wanted me with Chase that I left because I loved you and I still love you

Josh: Of course I love you Riley I just think about how you guys always find your way back to each other because he is always being involved in our life and for heavens sake we even adopted his kid. I love you and the life we built I also think it is best that even if Chase slips up he finds another family to be with Carson because once Carson leaves Chase will not be mentioned in our house again and we are cutting ties between them

Riley: Josh what about Stella she is super close with Carson and when she finds out she will be heartbroken

Josh: She will learn to get over it I just want nothing to do with Chase

We drove to Dixie's and when we arrived Dixie was outside talking to Chase

Josh: What is he doing here

Chase: I'm here to get my son

Josh: He's not yours until tomorrow you need to leave so he can get his things from his house and bring them to yours he is also not a piece of property and you cannot just use him like that

Chase: Fine but I'm taking him first thing tomorrow

Josh: That's right you need to leave right now

Riley: He is not property Chase he needs to have a good night sleep tonight so you will not be picking him up early

Chase: I will be picking him up when I want

Josh: No you won't and end of discussion now Dixie can we go see OUR kids

Chase drove off and Josh and I went inside to go get the kids

Stella: Is it true is he leaving us tomorrow

Riley: Yes it is I'm sorry bubba but he will be back soon and if he isn't then just know he's happy

Carson: I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to make you sad

Riley: From now on Carson to make things easier for all of us you will be calling Josh and I Mr. and Mrs. Richards

Carson: Oh okay

Stella: Why does he have to leave tomorrow why can't he just stay he's supposed to be my brother

Riley: Josh can you please get the twins in the car I have to get the older ones ready to leave

Josh: Of course babes

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now