Chapter nineteen

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I woke up the next morning to the twins crying. I went to their room and started to get them ready for the day. While I was with the twins Stella came in and pulled at my leg.

Stella: Hey mom I want to hold Maria

Riley:  Stella I'm sorry but I'm changing her diaper right now but you can when I'm done

Stella: Okay also is Carson staying with us

Riley:Just for a little but why

Stella: Because he called dad his dad this morning and I told him he can't bc dad is only me and the twin's dad

Riley: Carson is welcome to call your dad his dad

Stella: I don't want him to 

Riley: Stella we can talk about this later bubba I need to get the twins dressed because grandma Richards is coming over today

Stella: Yay I want to show her my new toy dad bought me

Riley: Can you please go ask dad to give you and Carson breakfast

Stella: I'm not hungry

Riley: Just ask please

Stella went into the kitchen and asked Josh to get the two of them food. Carson was sitting at the table nervous because today was the day we were adopting him.Then after Josh fed them Josh came into the twins room

Riley: Hey babes what's up

Josh: I was wondering do you know what time my mom is coming over

Riley: No but I can ask her if you want me to. What's wrong

Josh: I'm just nervous because I don't want Stella to feel like we don't love her anymore. I know she knows that we love her as much as the other babies but lately she's been acting out because of the twins and Carson being here. I think after we do the adoption thing that we should spend time with her and leave Carson here with my mom.

Riley: That is a great idea we should take her out to eat

Josh: Okay for sure. Also Carson is ready for whenever my mom gets here

The door rang while I  was changing Mateo's diaper and so I asked Josh if he could finish getting Mateo dressed while I got the door.

I opened the door to see Josh's mom and I smiled

Riley: Hey the kids are eating breakfast still in the dining room and Josh is with Mateo but come on in

JM: Okay, how long do you guys think you're going to be gone

Riley: Probably about an hour and I it's okay with you we were thinking we could take Stella out to eat because she has been feeling a little down lately with all of the new changes.

JM: She's going to the adoption?

Riley: No after we would stop by and pick her up and drop Carson off

JM: Can I talk to you and Josh in the bedroom please

Riley: Yea of course let me put the babies in the bouncers really quick.

I put Maria in the bouncer and Josh did the same with Mateo and then I pulled Josh to the side

Riley: Hey Josh your mom wants to talk to us in the room

Josh: Okay

We walked into the room and sat on the edge of our bed

JM: So guys I know you have a lot going on with 3 kids which is why I don't think you should go through with this adoption. Think about it Riley you would be having your abusive ex boyfriends child be calling you mom.Josh you would be having the kid call you dad

Riley: But he has no mom and I would want someone to do it for my child

Josh: I see where my mom is coming from but I do agree with Riley. If Stella was in the same situation I would want Charli to treat her as her own

JM: I'm not against adoption I just think if Stella is truly acting out then you have to put her before another child who isn't yours.

Josh: I understand mom but I think this is the best for our family

Riley: Maybe your mom is right. I think we should give him to Dixie and griffin instead because he is more likely to live better there and he can be there with his grandparents as well before his mom comes back

Josh: Okay let's go bring him to Dixie's, mom can you please watch the kids while we drop him off

JM: Yes

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now