Chapter twenty four

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She has lung caner

Josh: Oh my god are you serious

Riley: Yea it says that she has something wrong with her left lung and that we need to take her in as soon as possible to get more testing done

Josh: We need to go pick them up

Riley: No we don't Josh we just need to take her in tomorrow after the adoption and then get her tested for more  possible answers and then if it's something serious we will deal with it when we get there

Josh: Okay let's sleep on this

Riley: I need to go to bed because the sooner we can get her in the better

I went to bed that night with so many things on my mind. All of the things with Carson didn't even seem bad anymore it was just the fact that Stella could be in pain right now and I would have no idea

I woke up the next morning and turned over to Josh

Riley: Josh wake up we need to go pick up the kids

Josh: Okay go get into the car I'll be right there

I put on a nice dress and grabbed my purse from the counter when I got a call from the doctor's office

*On the phone*

Doc: Hi is this Mrs.Richards

Riley: Yes it is

Doc: Okay I would like to discuss the medical records we sent over for your daughter Stella

Riley: I saw that she has lung cancer so when can I make an appointment to get more tests

Doc: About that. Stella's medical records were mixed up with another Stella Richards in the hospital

Riley: So you're saying that my daughter isn't sick

Doc: Yes she does not have lung cancer and will be okay although we realized she just has asthma

Riley: Okay thank you so much for the good news and tell the other family that we wish them nothing but the best

Doc: Okay sure thing I will see you guys for your next appointment have a good day

Riley: You too and thank you

*Phone call ends*

Riley: Josh get in here I have really good news

Josh: What happened

Riley: The doctor messed up our medical records with another girl named Stella Richards so our daughter does not have cancer

Josh: Thank god I'm so happy Stella isn't sick

Riley: I know. Okay now we have to go pick up the kids from your mom's house

Josh: Can we not tell my mom about the whole medical record thing because I don't want her to get nervous

Riley: Of course babes only we have to know because she's our daughter

Josh and I get into the car and go to his mom's house. I opened the door and saw Carson sitting on the couch next to Stella

Jm: Hey you guys are here early how was last night

Josh: It was really good

JM: Your dress is super cute Riley

Riley: Thank you so much! How were the kids last night

JM: They were good but I thought that Carson and Stella were never going to sleep because of how much they talk to each other

Josh: I know they are best friends they never get enough of each other

I walked over to the couch and sat down

Riley: HI Stella

Stella: Mom your here!

Riley: Of course I am bubba I will always come back

Stella: The twins are napping and me and Carson are watching peppa

Carson: This episode is the best

Stella: you say that about every episode

Riley: That just means he likes them all bubba

Stella: I guess. Hey mom where is dad

Riley: He's talking to your grandma right now

Stella: Can I go see him

Riley: Yes you may

Stella walked over to Josh and hugged him

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now