Chapter twelve

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As I ran into the living room I saw Stella sitting on the floor holding her foot and crying. I yelled for Josh and when he came in the living room told him we need to take her to the emergency room

Josh: Hey Stella let me see your foot

Stella: It really hurts dad I think I broke it

Riley: I don't think you did babes I'm looking at it and it looks like you only have a sprain, sorry guys I thought it was worse than it was and everything is okay

JA: I'm glad that she's okay though that makes me happy also I'm glad that you guys are doing  good in your marriage and that all is well between you two

Josh: Thank you mom it means a lot, I think we are going to head home so that way Stella can get some rest but I hope that we can still do dinner this week?

JA: Yes we can for sure

Riley: Okay Stella let's get you in the car and also bye Mrs.Richards I hope the rest of your night is good and I will text you about how Stella is

*Back at home*

Riley: Stella if you are in any more pain and want me to get you ice I will or I can give you some more medicine if you would like

Stella: Thank you mama

Riley: Of course babes

Josh: Hey mamas we still need to finish filming our youtube video for next week, also I found a new doctor who we can see to find out what the gender of our baby is. One more thing Chase called and he wants his son Carson to have a play date with Stella but I said I would ask you first.

Riley: We can finish filming in a second and just let me know what day the appointment for the baby will be so I can work out Stella's schedule and also I guess Carson could come over ask him if he can do tomorrow because then we have the rest of the week to do everything else we need to get done also ask him to bring Charli so I won't be bored

Josh: I think we should get Stella to bed right now but I can call him after also I love you mamas

Riley: I love you too Josh

Riley:Okay babes let's get you ready for bed

Stella: Mama I don't want to go to the bed I was to finish this episode

Riley: Ask dad if you can watch the rest of it

Josh: Yes you may sweetheart but only one more episode because we do need you to get to bed

Riley: I'm going to call Chase and ask him about tomorrow with Carson if that's okay with you

Josh: Yea of course that's okay with me you don't even have to ask, Riley we've been together for almost 6 years of course you can call whoever I trust you

Riley: thank you Josh I love you

Josh: I love you too babes

* on the phone*

Chase: Oh hey Riley what's up

Riley: I ws wondering if you would want Carson and Stella to have a play date tomorrow

Chase: yea sounds perfect what time?

Riley: At about like 1:30 ish and could you also bring Charli because I've been dying to talk to her for awhile

Chase: Yea for sure okay bye Riley

Riley: Bye

*Phone call ends*

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now