Chapter twenty six

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JM: You really hurt Josh all of those years ago but instead of saying sorry or apologizing for your mistakes you went with Chase and then Josh had to text you to get you back and then you guys started dating again and then you guys got married

Riley: I know everything that has happened with Josh was unexpected but I love him and we have an amazing family and I'm not the same person I was years ago  I changed and I love your son and I i've my kids

JM: I'm not dying that what you did all of those years s okay but I do forgive you

Riley: Thank you for everything but we have to go sign the adoption papers for Carson

M: I really do love you though okay and I think that you're great to my son

Riley: I love you too and thank you for everything and I couldn't have done t without you and Josh

Josh Is everything okay in here with you two

Riley: Yes babes everything is okay also we need to leave in the net five minutes if we want to make it in time

Josh: I'll go get Mateo

We arrive at the court to sign Carson's adoption papers

Carson: I'm nervous

Riley: Why honey

Carson: What if my mom wants e back but I can't go back with her because you guys are my nw parents

Riley: If your mom comes back and you want to go back with her you are more than welcome to

Carson: Okay

Riley: Josh has Dixie  called you lately

Josh: no why

RIley: Because if she has I need to talk to her about what were doing for thanksgiving in the next couple days because of Carson. I need to ask her if she wants to have a big family thanksgiving or take him for the day

Josh: It's not her decision it's ours and Carsons

Riley: Actually JOsh it's hers because she is his family as well and needs to be included with holidays

Josh: We should just have her come over

RIley: We can talk bout it after the whole adoption

We grabbed the twins' strollers and put there carriers in the stroller

Secretary: how can I help you guys

Josh: We are here for the adoption of Carson Hudson

Secretary: Okay please walk right this way

Riley: Thank you

Stella: How long is this going to take

Riley: Only a little but and then after you guys can hangout with Emma

Secretary: Ok here is the court room that the adoption is taking place in today. A girl will come it of the door and all for you guys when they are ready for you in there

Riley: Okay thank you

She walked off and I looked at Josh

Josh: Are you doing okay babes

Riley: Are you sure we should do this

Josh: Did my mom say something to you

Riley: No but she did give me some points about how bad I was all of those years ago

Josh: You've changed and you're different now

Riley: I know. I love you Josh

Josh: I love you too Riley

Girl: Mr and Mrs Richards?

Riley: Right here

Girl: We're ready for you in here

Judge: Hello Richards family how am I helping you today

We are adopting Carson Hudson

Judge: You're sure that this is the best fir for your family

Josh and Riley: Yes we are sure

Judge: Okay: I'm going to sign the papers and and then I want you to resign his birth certificate

Josh: Okay

The judge signed the papers and then passed them to me. Josh and I signed them

Judge: I would like to proudly pronounce a new member of the Richards family. Carson Richards

Stella smiled at Carson and hugged him

Stella Now we're really siblings

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now