Chapter forty (Final Chapter)

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I woke up the next morning and got the kids dressed because today was the day we were officially taking full custody of Carson. Once I had gotten the kids ready I fed them breakfast and got them in the car

Josh: Today is the official day

Riley: Today is the day we complete our family

I smiled at Josh and thought about how lucky I was

Josh: I love you babes

Riley: I love you too

Stella: So does this mean Carson is my brother like my real brother now

Riley: Yes this means that Carson is officially and will always be a Richards

Josh: Carson I want to let you know that Charli will be there but she is not able to talk to you unless you are comfortable with talking to her and Chase will be there but the same goes for him. He will not be able to speak to you unless you want to talk to him

Carson: I don't want to talk to Chase but I want to say goodbye to Charli

Once we got to court I gave the twins to my mom and then the judge called us back to the room

Judge: Okay so I am going to have you guys sign the paper here saying you want to have full custody of Carson and then Carson you are going to sign here and this means that you are okay with the adoption

We all signed and then the paper was passed to Charli and Chase

Once it was official and Carson was ours we walked out when Charli walked up to us

Charli: Can I speak to him for a second

Riley: Carson is that okay with you

Carson: Yea

They walked over and then started talking

Charli hugged Carson

Charli: I just want you to know that I love you and I'm sorry that your father and I turned out this way and that we couldn't be there for you when you mostly needed it but I promise that we did and still do love you

Carson: I know but I have Riley and Josh and I'm not mad at you

Charli: Well it's time to say goodbye but I know they will treat you well and they love you Carson

Carson: Goodbye mom

Carson walked back over to Josh and Riley and then hugged them

Carson I love you guys

Riley and Josh: We love you too bud

We got the twins and celebrated with Riley's mom and the rest of the family ( the kids and Josh)

Once we had gone to dinner I got the kids ready for bed and tucked Stella in bed

Stella: I love you mom

Riley: I love you bubs

Josh: Goodnight Stella I love you

Stella: I love you to dad

Josh and I put the twins down and went to go put Carson to bed

Carson: Goodnight mom and dad I love you

Josh: I love you bud

Riley: I love you too Carson goodnight

Josh and I laid  in bed and I turned over and snuggled his chest

Riley: Josh I have to tell you something

Josh: What is it

Riley: All of those years ago when I chose you, I chose the right one

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now