Chapter thirty four

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Riley: I'm sorry but you won't be able to because she is at an appointment right now but you will be able to see her soon. Anyway I love you bubs and I want you to go have fun with mommy

Carson ran up to me and hugged me. I had never hugged someone so hard and when I had to let go I swear my heart broke

Charli: Carson get back here

Carson: I'm coming

Riley: Okay I will be leaving but I love you bubs

Carson: I love you mama Riley

I walked back to my car and called Josh

Josh: Hey babes how did it go

Riley: Well Charli wouldn't allow me to see him because apparently once she got the news we weren't allowed to see him anymore

Josh: Are you serious he's our son

Riley: I know but he isn't anymore and we need to accept that but until then I was able to hug him and he called me mom which I hope it made Charli upset because I missed him and if I could I would've just taken him home

Josh: I thought Charli wasn't coming back

Riley: Apparently she is and I am not ready for her to be back because now after all of that she probably will never want to see us

I heard a knock at the window and I looked over and saw Carson standing there

Riley: Josh I have to go I will call you back in a second please take Stella to her appointment

*Call ended*

Carson: Mom please take me home I want to see Stella

Riley: Carson come on let's go home

I got out of the car and grabbed Carsons hand and walked him to the door and kneeled down 

Riley: Carson I love you so much and never forget that but this is just one of those things you will understand when you're older. Now I want you to walk back in the house and see your mom and I will try to be able to see you for the twins birthday but we all love you so much and  we wish you were home.

Carson: Just take me home mom I want to be home I don't like it here my mom doesn't even know who I am but you do

Riley: I love you bubs and I will hopefully see you soon

I hugged Carson and kissed him on the forehead before I let go and stood up and then walked to my car

Charli opened the door and saw Carson sitting there and she pulled him inside

I drove off and went home to see my mom sitting on the couch with the twins

Amber: Josh called and asked if I could babysit them since he was taking Stella to therapy

Riley: I don't feel in the mood to deal with you right now mom

Amber: I'm just helping what happened and where is Carson

Riley: Carson is with his mother again and all he wants is to come home but Josh signed something so that way we can't get him back

Amber: Well maybe if you were with Chase

Riley: Are you serious right now mom give me Mateo and get out you do not get to talk bad about my husband and act like we aren't together I love Josh and my kids which you clearly don't because you hate their father which is so unfair so please until you get your crap together don't come back until you learn to accept Josh and my kids so please walk out of the door now

Amber got up and put Mateo in his bouncer and grabbed her things and walked out the door

Amber called Josh

* On the phone*

Amber: All I have to say is the plan worked and she chose you

Josh: I knew she would

Amber: How is Stella

Josh: She is good thank you for what you did Amber bye

Amber: Bye

* Phone call ended*

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now