Chapter three

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I walked into the restaurant to see Josh sitting at the table right by the door. I sat down next to him and saw that he was so nervous.
Josh: Oh hey Riley I didn't see that you were already here

Riley: Sorry I thought you knew I was over here anyway what did you want to talk to me about
Josh: So I know you just got out of a relationship with Chase

Riley: Oh I'm sorry Josh if you got the wrong impression but what we had ended a long time ago and I just started things with Chase and then you texted and now I don't even know what is happening in my life right now
Josh: Riley I'm sorry for kind of ending things between you and Chase but he wasn't the one for you. I am

Riley: Sorry Josh but so much is happening right now and I don't even know who I should be with

Josh: I'm telling you Riley you belong with me

Riley: Josh just call me when it's been a month or something I literally just broke up with Chase last night

Josh: I will wait for you as long as you need me to I'll always be here for you

Riley: Josh it's okay but please don't wait after me I don't even know who I'm going to choose

I left the restaurant and drove home crying my whole life was falling apart I didn't know if I should choose between Josh or Chase.
When I arrived home I laid down on my bed and started to cry and then I got a text from Chase that read
"Hey Riley I was wondering if you wanted to go out and we can talk about what happened the other night and I truly didn't want to hurt you like that"

I looked at my phone and just cried because I think i made the wrong choice I'm supposed to be with Josh because I've never felt like that with someone before. Josh makes me feel like I finally found someone who truly understands me.

I left chase on opened all night and called Josh in the morning
Josh: Oh hi Riley I wasn't expecting you to call

Riley: Josh I think you need to come over right now

Josh: Why what's up

Riley: wait never mind I'm coming over to you house right now just be ready when I get there

Josh: Whatever you say :)

I arrived at Josh's house and then walked up to his door and got out of the car.

Riley: Josh I think I'm in love with you and I'm not just saying that because Chase and I broke up and you're reaching out to me it's because I truly love you

Josh: Riley I've always loved you but I thought you wanted to be with chase. You also told me that life was hard for you at the time and that you didn't want a relationship right now what changed

Riley: do you remember when you met my family for the first time and my mom loved you from the start

Josh: Yea of course and then me and your mom talked for hours

Riley: well yea that was the moment I knew I loved you because not only did my family love you but I loved the way you treated others but the way that you generally treated others and it made me want to be around you

Josh: I love you too and I always have from the moment I met you I've always wanted to marry you from the beginning and I hope one day you'll let me

Riley: I love you Josh

Josh: I love you Riley

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now