chapter five

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As you open the door you find Payton sitting on your couch watching tv.

Riley: Oh hey Payton I didn't see you there anyway I'm just getting some things from the house and then I'm going to go to his house and spend the night.

Payton: Okay sounds fun I'm going to hang out with Jaden tonight is it okay if he stays over

Riley: Payton this is now your house to so don't feel like you need to ask me if you can have people over as long as it's not like a bunch of people you can have whoever over

Payton: Thanks Riley sorry I just randomly moved in

Riley: It's okay no need to be sorry about it I'm just glad another guy hasn't told me they love me because the last thing I need is another guy to upset. Also did Chase stop by today I told him to come and get his things

Payton: Yeah he did he also told me to tell you he's still in love with you and that he wants you to come back to him and abandon Josh

Riley: Well tell him I love Josh and not him

*Arrives at Josh's house*

I walk up to Josh's room as I hear someone yelling in a room down the hall. I walk into Josh's  room to see him crying on the bed

Riley:  Omg Josh what happened was it your parents fighting again

Josh:  Yea I think I might need a place to stay can I stay at your place for awhile.

Riley: Of course Josh you can stay as long as you need

*Arrives back at Riley's house*

I walk in to see Payton and Jaden sitting on the couch everything was normal until I found that Chase was making popcorn in the kitchen.

Riley: Oh hey Chase what are you doing here

Chase: well Payton invited me over here

Riley: Oh well I'm sorry but can you please leave

Chase: But I just got here

Riley: But I don't want you here and someone is here that you don't like so can you please just leave

Chase: Josh is here isn't he I bet you got with him right after we broke up didn't you

Riley: I did not and for your information I am in love with him and not you

Chase: I'm sorry Riley but I was invited and I'm staying I'll leave after the movie is over

I walk over to Payton and drag him into the kitchen where I had just had the worst conversation with my ex

Payton: Hey Riley what's up

Riley: We need to talk

Payton: Is this about Chase

Riley: Of course this is about Chase! Having Jaden over I get that but Chase is just so not welcome here. He literally ruined me and now I'm with the boy that I love and he treats me so well which by the way Josh is going to be living here also and he's in my room right now and is going to freak out if he sees Chase here so please get him out

Payton: Omg I'm so sorry I had no idea Josh was upstairs

Riley: yea so please get him out

Payton: Sure thing Riley

Payton walks out of the room and attempts to get Chase out of the house. All of a sudden I hear arguing in the living room and Chase is yelling at Payton and Jaden.

Chase: What's the big deal this isn't Riley's house it's your Payton kick her out not me

Payton: Actually Chase this is her house so please get out

Josh walks into the room so confused. Once Josh realizes is happening he walks over to Chase and tells him to get out or he's going to call the cops. After that Chase still refuses and So I call the cops

*The cops arrive*

Chase get's arrested and they take him away

Officer: Well he's in custody now and will be realised tomorrow so if he every does this again just call us again

Riley: Thank you so much it means a lot

Officer: Of course anytime

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