Chapter thirty nine

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A/N: Okay guys I wanted to let you know the next chapter will officially be the last chapter so thank you guys for all the support through this whole book. Last thing I will be making another Josh story soon after this one ends so if you want to feel free to read it but thank you guys for everything anyway enjoy the rest of the book

I woke up and turned over to Josh

Josh: Riley I just realized something

Riley: What's up

Josh: We didn't decide on what we were dressing up the kids as for halloween

Riley: Well we've been so stressed with moving Carson in we didn't have the time

Josh: Well we have to take the trick or treating so what costumes should we get

Riley: Let's ask them first and see what they want to be

I went to go get Mateo and Maria out of their cribs lately they have started walking with their baby walkers so I gave them to each baby and helped them walk to the living room.

Stella: Mom what are we doing for halloween

Riley: Where is Carson

Stella: He's sleeping

Riley: Well we need to decide what we are going to dress up as

Stella: I want to be a princess

Riley: OMG Josh that's it

Josh: What is

Riley: The twins can be the princess and the frog

Carson: I want to be a superhero

Josh went and got all the kids costumes. Once it was time we got them ready and then headed out the door

Stella: Where are we going trick or treating this year

Josh: Well bubba we are going to grandma Richards neighbor hood

Once we got to Josh's moms house I got the kids baskets and saw Mrs.Richards smiling through the screen door

JM: I'm so happy you guys could make it

Josh: The kids were excited

Josh's mom picked up Stella and gave her a hug

JM: Hey Carson how is it going

Carson: Really good. I got my old room back

JM: I'm so happy for you. Josh your dad isn't feeling good so he won't be joining us

Riley: Hey Mrs.Richards

JM: Hey Riley thank you for convincing Josh to get you guys to come here

Riley: Of course I'm happy we could get together again

We walked around the neighborhood and the kids got a ton of candy

Carson: Hey Mom can I stop by Mama Charli's house I want to see her before we get home

Riley: Of course we can bud but let's finishing trick or treating first

We finished trick or treating and said goodbye to Josh's family

Josh: Did you guys have fun

Stella: I love Halloween especially with Grandma Richards

Riley: Well I'm glad you had fun bubs let's stop at Charli's first and then go home and watch a movie

Josh looked at me and smiled

Once we saw Charli I pulled Josh outside after I had set the twins down

Josh: Hey what's been bothering you

Riley: I love you Josh like a lot. I love you so much and I was thinking about how I was so lucky to have you and be able to be with you and then it hit me. I have been so trashy to you lately and I can't imagine how you felt with the whole Chase situation and I'm sorry for being so rude to you. What I'm trying to say is I love you so please don't ever leave

Josh:I love you and I'm not going anywhere babes I promise

Josh pulled me in for a kiss and then we headed back inside. The rest of the night we watched movies and cuddled on the couch

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now