Chapter twenty five

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Josh: Oh hey Stella what's up

Stella: Nothing I just missed you

Carson: Can we get food on the way home

Riley: Yea sure but first we have to go to court to sign papers and make Carson legally ours

Josh: We will explain more in the car

Riley: Stella do you still have the dress I put in your bag

Stella: Yea it's in the room with the twins

Riley: Okay I'm going to go wake them

I woke up Maria and let Mateo sleep a little more because he looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep

Josh: Where's Mateo

Riley: I'm letting him sleep a little more before we have to go

Stella: Where are we going

Josh: We're going to sign adoption papers for Carson

Stella: So that means that Carson will be my real sibling

Riley: Yes Stella this means that legally he is your brother

Carson: When do we go

Riley: We go very soon like in twenty minutes so please go get your little suit from your bag and Stella go put on your dress

JM: Are you guys sure you're making the right decision for your family

Josh: Mom why wouldn't we be making the right decision

JM: Because you guys are still young

Josh: Mom we were young like 5 years ago when we had Stella. We're not "kids" anymore we have a family of six and we love it

Riley: I love you Mrs.Richards but I do think Josh is right. When Josh and I had Stella we were newly weds and now we have four lovely kids and although we might've not had Carson doesn't mean he isn't ours. He makes our family complete

JM: I guess you guys are making the right decision

Josh: I know we are

Stella: Mom

Stella: Can Carson and I hangout with Emma after

Riley: I'll have to ask Jaden and Mads if they are available to come over

Stella: Okay

I texted Mads and asked her if the kids could hangout when we get back from the adoption

Josh: I'm going to go get Mateo and get the carriers and then we can go if that's okay with you babes

Riley: Yea of course. Do you need me to grab anything

Josh: Just Stella and Carson's bag

Riley: Carson and Stella come on guys let's go get your bags

JM: Are you sure you guys need to leave so soon

Riley: Yes we need to get there a little bit early because it takes a little longer with the kids

JM: Oh okay

Riley: Can I please talk to you in the other room

JM: I don't see why not

Riley: Do you remember when Josh and I got into that huge argument over Chase when this all started

JM: You cheated on him Riley that wasn't fair

Riley: No Mrs.Richards the reason why Josh and I never worked out back then was because Josh used to party all the time and then later that night he went to a party at my ex best friends house. When he left I was really mad because I thought he was leaving me. Later that night I got a call from my friend and she was drunk. She told me that she had slept with him and I was so hurt that I kissed Chase

JM: That is no excuse Riley you should've talked with him before you kissed that awful man

Riley: Just think of it this way Mrs.Richards, I was wrong that night Josh had never cheated on me and I was the one in the wrong but back them I was so insecure that I dated Chase instead. Here's the thing if I would've never gotten with Chase I would've never found my way back to the person I truly love

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now