Chapter thirteen

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I woke up at about 7:30 again and got up and got dressed. When I woke up i saw Josh gone and so I went downstairs to make coffee.
Josh:Good morning babes

Riley: Good morning

Josh: How did you sleep last night?

Riley: I slept pretty good the baby kept kicking all night but other than that I was fine

Josh: At least we're know they're healthy

*skip 2 hours*

Stella: mommy I want to play with Carson today

Riley: Well good thing he's coming over today with Charli

Josh: I thought Chase was coming over as well

Riley: Well last night her and Chase apparently got into this huge argument and when I texted Chase this morning to ask him what time he told me to ask Charli bc he couldn't make it

Josh: Well now I'm glad I don't have to pretend to like him

Riley: Josh come on I know he's messed up in his past put I wanted to give him another chance

Josh: I know but let's just wait until Charli gets here to hear what happened

Riley: Yea that's true

Stella: When is Carson coming over

Riley: Soon honey let me text Charli

*Messages between Charli*
Riley: Hey Charli I was wondering what time you and Carson were coming over?

Charli: We'lol be over in about 20 minutes is that okay?

Riley: Yes of course! See you soon

Charli: Okay bye

Riley: Bye
*messages ended*
Josh: What did Charli day

Riley: She said she'll be over in 20 and so we need to get Stella ready and we need to clean up our house a little bit

Josh: Okay come on Stella let's go get you ready to see your buddy Carson

Stella: Okay dad

Josh got stella dressed in a light pink dress

Riley: Okay babes they're here

Stella: I'm so excited

Josh: Remember bubba you have to be good and treat Carson nicely

Stella: okayy

I open the door and see Charli struggling to smile. Right as I open the door Carson walks through and goes straight to Stella

Stella: Come on Carson let's go play in my room

Carson: Okay

Josh: welcome Charli you can come and sit down wherever

Riley: Feel free to get food if you need it as well. What's going on with you and Chase

Charli: Thank you guys for having us over today, it really means a lot to Carson and I know his father has done a lot to you in the past Riley so it truly means a lot that the kids can come and play together

Riley: Of course you're welcome here anytime

Josh: Hey babes Jaden is going to come over for a little bit and hangout here is that okay

Riley: Of course Josh. Jaden can come over anytime

Josh: Thanks babes

Riley: Here Charli lets go sit in the living room and talk

Charli: Okay sure

Charli and I go into the living room and sit down

Riley: So Charli what did Chase do to you?

Charli: He told me last night that he kissed another woman a few days ago and just told me about it last night and I thought he was lying but I got a message from the girl saying it was true and so I asked him why he did it and he said it was because he didn't love me anymore

Riley: Omg I'm so sorry he did that to you. So know what are you and Carson going to do

Charli: We're going to stay with Griffin and Dixie for a few weeks and then we're going to find a new place bc he supposedly slept with her as well.

Riley: Feel free to have you or Carson stay whenever you need to

Josh: Hey babes Jaden is here and we're just going to be in the kitchen

Riley: Okay I love you

Josh: I love you too

Charli: I'm glad that you have such a good relationship with Josh. It gives me hope that I can find someone who will love me the way Josh loves you.

Riley: awe thank you that means a lot

*A few hours later*

Charli: Okay Carson it's time to go to aunt Dixies house lets go

Carson: Bye Stella,Riley and Josh

Stella, Riley, Josh: bye Carson, bye Charli

Charli: thank you for Having us

Riley: Of course

Josh: anytime

After Charli left I looked at Josh and smiled

Josh: What's wrong Riley

Riley: Nothing I just love what we have

Josh: I love you babes

Riley: I love you
Then I got Stella ready for bed

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now