Chapter thirty one

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Josh got the twins into the car and I talked to Dixie before sending the older kids to the car

Dixie: Are you sure this is right this is not what Charli would've wanted she wanted him to stay with you why couldn't you fight for him

Riley: Kids please go see dad at the car and ask him if he can help you get in the car

Riley: Listen Dixie I know Charli wanted me to keep him away from Chase and I know he's done a lot of things in the past. But he wants his son back and me and my family need to move on from this chapter in our lives we have been through so much in the past year with me having the twins and with Charli leaving and then the adoption

Dixie: I know but this isn't right Riley you can't just act like you never adopted him

Riley: I'm not his legal guardian Chase is and Josh and I need some time to spend with our kids as well

Dixie: Fine then I will file for full custody because my sister never wanted him to go back to his awful father but instead he is

Riley: I have to go home and help him pack his things but I guess if you want to file for full custody you can give it a try but Chase will probably win

I walked outside and saw Josh waiting for me in the car

Josh: How did it go with Dixie what did she say

Riley: Dixie is mad at us because she wanted us to keep Carson but I told her it wasn't up to us it was up to Chase and we were doing what was best for him.

Josh: Do you think we made the right choice

Carson: I want to go see my dad

Riley: You're leaving to go see him tomorrow

Carson: I want to go see him now

Riley: No Carson you are going to see him tomorrow
end of discussion

Carson: I don't want to be with you guys anymore

Josh: Carson we talked about this you can leave first thing tomorrow morning

Riley: Josh be nice to him and Carson you need to be nice to Josh because this is our last night together

Stella: When will we be home

Riley: We will be home soon and once we get home Carson you and I have to talk in the kitchen

Once we got home Stella went straight to her bedroom and I got the twins out of the car and went to the kitchen to talk to Carson

Josh: Do you want me to put the the twins down for the night or are we both doing that

Riley: I'll grab Maria and you can grab Mateo

Josh: Okay

Riley: Carson you need to sit at the counter and I will see you there in a second

Josh and I put the twins down for the night and the Josh went to say goodnight to Stella

Carson: Can I just go to bed we have nothing to talk about

Riley: Carson the way you have been acting lately is unacceptable I know you're dying to go home but this is your home for now and you're going home first thing tomorrow. I want you to go in your room and get some of your things together and then I will go in there tomorrow and put the rest of your things in your bag. I just want you to know that if anything happens with your dad that we you are welcome to come back here anytime and I know things seem tough right now but the truth is we just don't want to lose you

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now