Chapter thirty eight

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Jess: What do you want

Riley: You need to stop talking like that in front of my children because they have feelings to. If you want to throw shade in my face and tell me that my life is awful and everything I do is wrong then go ahead but not in front of my kids

Jess: I was just saying that Carson isn't yours he's Charli's and you need to stop acting like you and Josh did something good

Riley: Well please leave my family out of this because yes he is my son

I walked away and went back to the party

Riley: You guys look so cute now Josh get next to them with Stella and Carson so I can get a picture

* A few hours later*

Dixie: Okay Carson we have to go soon

Stella: Can he stay the night

Riley: They have to get him back before Charli is home

Dixie: Actually I had some news

Riley: Could we talk about it in another room first

Dixie: Yea of course

I got up and put Mateo in the bouncer before going in the kitchen with Dixie

Riley: So what is the news

Dixie: Charli has signed the papers making me the legal guardian but I want to sign his rights over to you. Now I know we have been through a lot but I really think that this is what he needs. If you don't want to accept I totally understand but let me know in the next few days.

Riley: I have to talk to Josh first but I'm sure we will be happy to have him come back

Dixie: Okay Carson come on we have to go home but you can come back to play soon

Noah: I'll go get the car

Blake: Okay well thank you for having us even though Jess was very rude I couldn't miss the twins birthday

Riley: Thank you for coming Blake it means a lot

Payton: I have to get Blair to her mom's house but could I stop by after quick Riley I have to talk to you

Riley: Of course

Jess: Payton I can just take Blair from here you don't have to drop her off

Everyone looked at Payton and Payton's face went blank

Josh: Is this true are you Blair's mom

Jess: Yea who else would I be

Blake: I didn't know you were a mom

Jess: Well it was a mistake I made a long time ago but I get her once or twice a week so I'm going to take her if you'll excuse me

Jess grabbed Blair's hand and started walking towards the door.

Riley: You can't leave with her yet until we hear the whole story

Payton: Please don't ask it's a long story

Jess: Fine I'll tell you. Payton and I got together when he was in love with this Riley chick and then we had Blair by mistake but Payton thought I was an unfit parent and I have to co-parent with him so this is how we co-parent. I was going to tell you Blake but you were never over when Blair was

Blake: Well Jess we're over

Josh: Payton why are you here if you're in love with my wife. Riley did you know about this

Riley: Obviously I didn't or else I wouldn't have invited him

Payton: I'm sorry for lying to you guys but I was wondering if you guys would help me get full custody of Blair that's why I needed to talk to you guys

Josh: Well this party was a whole mess and I need a break Riley I'll be back by dinner

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