Chapter eight

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* two months later*

On May 25 we had our beautiful daughter named Stella

Josh: She is beautiful and I love you both so much

Riley: I know I'm so happy to have both of you

Josh: Let's go home and get her settled in

Riley: I Love you Josh

Josh: I love you so much Riley

When we arrive at home I start to feel super sick but I didn't want to make him nervous especially since he was just getting used to the routine we had going with Stella and so I just kept quiet and hoped to feel better. Out of nowhere someone knocks on the door

Josh: Hey Riley who's at the door

Riley: I have no idea but I'll get it don't worry

Josh: Okay thanks love you

Riley: Love you too Josh

I opened the door with Stella in my hands and my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw who it was.Chase was sitting at my door with a big smile on my face and reached out his hands to pick up Stella. I moved my arms back and put Stella more to my side.

Chase: Hey Riley I was hoping we could talk because I want to tell you something also may I please hold Stella

Riley: No you may not she is my child and not yours and Josh can you please come to the door we have a visitor

Josh: Hey what's up babe

Josh looked and chase and yelled

Josh: Chase why would you even think you're welcome around my family especially since you're about to have your own family in a few months. Stella is my daughter and Riley is my wife and nothing you can say or do can affect that

Chase: I just want to talk to Riley please. I'm not trying to affect what you guys have. If you even remember Josh you're the reason Riley and I don't have a family of our own. I would be with Riley still if you would've never texted her that one morning

Riley: First of all Chase I know for a fact that you know that coming to my door is wrong and that I have a good life with the love of my life and my perfect baby that I was blessed with. I you even think that we would have made it as far as Josh and I have, we wouldn't. Josh and I have something special and even if I never left you that one night I know I would've ended up with Josh and I would've had Stella.

Chase: come on Riley please give me another chance I just want to be with you

Riley: Chase the only person you should be with is your girlfriend who is about to have your baby

As Chase walked away I knew that all of those years ago I did make the right decision to be with Josh because he is everything I had been looking for in a guy and I was so excited to spend the rest of my life with him

Josh: Hey Riley I just wanted to say that I was really proud of you today for sticking up for yourself with Chase because he treats you like crap and he doesn't even realize how much the words he says affects you

Riley: Can I tell you something Josh

Josh: Of course Riley what's up

Riley: I think I'm sick and I don't know what's happening but I feel like I'm going to pass out all of the time and it scares me when I'm holding Stella like I'm going to drop her all the time

Josh: It's okay we can take you to the doctor tomorrow I love you

Riley: I love you to Josh

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now