Chapter twenty nine

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Stella got up and waked over to the stools she sat right next to Carson

Carson: I'm sorry I'm leaving Stella if I could I would stay

Stella: But that's the thing you can stay you just don't want to even after your dad treated you bad

Carson: You have parents and I don't mine left so this is the chance I get to be with my dad and I'm taking it

Stella: No you're not you're staying here because my parents took time out of their life to take you in and your're just leaving and that's really trashy just like you're mom

Riley: Stella do not speak to your brother like that

Stella: He's not even my brother anymore I don't care about him

Riley: Stop acting like that the both of you okay this is stressful on your dad and I enough we understand the concerns about Carson wanting to go back with his dad and we get that but we did go through a lot to make sure we were able to adopt him and give him a loving home. If Carson wants to leave and live with the parent he thinks is right for him we will always be there to take him in if he needs it but you guys need to enjoy this last day with him  because to me and you're dad it's like loosing a child because we are.

Stella: I'm sorry Carson I didn't mean to be rude

Carson: It's okay Stella

Riley: Okay guys lets go to Carson's aunts house

We got all of the kids into the car and then Josh looked at me and smiled

Josh: Are you doing okay babes don't forget that I love you no matter what happens today

Riley: I love you too Josh and yes I'm okay

We got to Dixies and dropped the kids off and then drove to the meeting

Josh: Are you nervous

Riley: I just have a feeling we're going to lose him

Josh: I know me to but I don't think we will

*At the meeting*

Lawyer: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Richards I'm glad you could make it walk right this way and then we will bring in Chase shortly

Josh held my hand as we walked in and sat down

Chase walked in  and then we began talking with our lawyers

Chase: I want my son back full custody I do not want to share him with these people who ruined my wife and I's relationship

Riley: We were the ones who saved you're wife from the bruises YOU gave her and we took in your son even though we knew it wasn't the best decision for us at the time and then after that we went and adopted him because we knew that he was meant to be with us but then you walked in after all of these months and you claim you want him back

Chase: Just because you think he's right for you doesn't mean that he is look at us for example Riley you and I were so happy  and then you left me for that asshole over there

Josh: Don't you talk to my wife like that you were the one who treated her poorly and always was leaving her when she needed you most and then I came in and saved her when she was battling her issues and on top of that me and her have four beautiful children together who we love and cherish with both of our hearts included your so called son

Chase: I want full custody end of discussion

Riley: I agree with him Josh

Josh: what are you talking about Riley

Riley: We need to give him full custody it's what Carson wants as well and even though we will lose Carson it's what they both want and we can't keep him away from Chase

Josh: Okay Chase you can have Carson full custody starting tomorrow except the first time you decide to go and mess up either go to jail again or beat him we will be getting full custody no questions asked

Chase: I can agree to that you can drop him off tomorrow

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now