Chapter six

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I woke up the next morning to Josh sleeping next to me. As I walk down the stairs I see Payton sleeping on the couch which made me realize Payton doesn't have a bed to sleep in. I made my coffee for the day and headed back upstairs. Right when I went to open my bedroom door the doorbell rang. I sprinted down the stairs cause I thought it was my package I ordered a few days ago. I opened the door and Chase was standing with a box in his hands.

Riley: Chase What are you doing here I just don't understand stop coming back you're not welcome

Chase: I'm sorry Riley but I wanted to see you one last time before we're truly over

Riley: Chase we were over since the day I walked out and told Josh That I loved him.

Chase: Please can we try dating again I truly love you

Riley: No Chase we can't and even if we did there is no point in dating someone who doesn't want to be with you and I don't want to be with you

Chase: Please Riley

Riley: Chase we're over thanks for the package and goodbye

I slammed the door in Chase's face went upstairs and started waking up JOsh

Riley: Hey Josh good morning

Josh: Good morning beautiful

I got ready and went downstairs to see if Payton was up

Payton: Good morning Riley

Riley: Good morning Payton. Also I was wondering if you wanted to redo my sisters room since she moved out forever ago and then you could have a place to stay

Payton: Sounds good can we go shopping today for new stuff

Riley: Of course let me go get josh

Payton: Okay

I went and got josh and told him what we were doing and then something bad happened. I opened the box Chase brought to me thinking it was what I had ordered a few days ago and when I opened it I found a bunch of bubble wrap and a pregnancy test with a note laying on top of it. The note read

"I found this in the bathroom. I know your little secret are you sure you still want to be with Josh?


Josh: Omg Riley you're pregnant and you didn't tell me?!

Riley: No this was forever ago when Chase's mom was trying to get pregnant and ended up having a miscarriage so i don't know why he would put that in here when his mom was devastated and cried for weeks. Even if I were going to be pregnant it wouldn't be Chase's. I've never had a pregnancy scare with him or anyone even.

Josh: I believe you but honestly why is he such an asshole like he really thinks that this would break us up like even if the baby was his I would still be here for it.

Riley: Don't worry Josh I'm not preggo

We went to the store bought white paint and furniture for Payton's new room and decorated it to fit Payton's style.

*Three year time jump*

It's been years of dating Josh and we are happy together and Payton is with a girl named Maddie. We were all happy until we saw Chase on his instagram saying that he was going to be having a baby with Charli.

Josh: Don't be upset Riley he's not going to harass you anymore

Riley: I know Josh but something feels off because look at the way Charli is looking at Chase

Josh: I don't see anything different but he's not trying to copy our little family

Riley: I sure hope so I just feel like it's not a coincidence that we got married and he's having a baby with Charli

Josh: well Payton and Maddie already have a kid and they love it so maybe Chase will too.

Riley: I just hope he isn't using Charli just to have his kid and that he actually has feelings for her.

Josh: well we'll have our little baby in 2 months and they won't be having one for another 8 months so he has plenty of time to figuire out is feelings for Charli

Riley: What about you Josh are you ready for this baby

Josh: Are you kidding me am I ready to have a little family with my absolute best friend and beautiful wife of course I am.

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now