Chapter twenty three

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I picked up Carson and looked at Josh and smiled, our family was finally complete 

Josh: Thank you so much Dixie for taking care of him for the past few days and I hope all that is going on with Griffin works out because I know he truly loves you 

Dixie: Thanks Josh and I hope that you guys are able to have a long life with Carson. Knowing Charli she probably won't ever be back and if she is she won't let you guys know because she doesn't want him to know that she's back

Riley: Well just let us know if she is so that way we can talk to her and keep her updated on his life 

Dixie: I will make sure to text you when she gets back 

Carson: Where is Stella and the twins 

Riley: Stella and the babies are with their grandmother for the night because it is me and your dad's night to ourselves 

Josh: So here's the plan buddy, we are going to bring you to a person we call grandma Richards and you are going to spend the night with your brother and sisters 

Carson: I can call them my brother and sister?

Riley: Yes you are apart of the family now. So feel free to call us mom and dad and say that Stella and the twins are your siblings

Carson: This is the best night ever

Josh and Riley: We love you bud

Carson: I love you 

We drove Carson the grandma Richards and told her what was happening 

JM: So you guy's are adopting him 

Riley: Yes starting tomorrow we will be his official family 

Josh: And we know what you're going to say about how we aren't ready for another kid with all the stuff from the twins etc. but we truly believe that he is meant to be with the family 

JM: No Josh I'm actually proud of all of the thing's you guy's have done. I'm so happy that you guys made things work and started dating again all those years ago because you guys truly fo make good parents 

Josh: We are going to go to our house while you have fun getting to know Carson and I think after tonight you will see why we want us to be his forever home

JM: You guys have fun 

Josh and Riley: Bye love you 

I got into the car and looked at Josh 

Josh: What's wrong 

Riley: It's just crazy to think that we now have four children to look after and I'm so happy that Carson is becoming apart of our family 

Josh: I know and to think that we were about to leave him at Dixie's

Josh: I love you Riley

Riley: I love you too Josh 

Josh drove the rest of the way home. When we got home I saw some medical records on the counter that weren't mine or Carson 

Riley: Josh whose medical records are on the counter

Josh: There Stella's because I took her to the doctor for her symptoms a few days ago 

Riley: Josh look at what this says 

Josh: It's probably nothing big she probably just had a cold

RIley: No Josh she has...

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