Chapter nine

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As I walk into the hospital I start to feel super strange I almost thought that I was going to throw up

Riley: Hey Josh I don't feel good I need to sit down and I just want to go  home

Josh: Listen Riley I know you don't feel good but if we go home now then the next time we come back to the hospital then we will have to find another babysitter for Stella

Riley: Honestly Josh I think this is stupid there is nothing wrong with me and we need to go home right now

Doctor( aka doc)

Doc: Riley Richards?

Josh: We're right here

Doc: Follow me this way and then we can see what's wrong with you

Riley: Well I've been feeling super nauseous and I think something is very wrong with me I also always feel like I'm going to pass out

Doc: Okay well let's get you checked out, when was the last time you had your period?

Riley: about 2 months ago I think

Doc: Well I think I'm going to go have you pee on a stick and then I will get your results back super fast. Does that sound good?

Josh and Riley: Yes it does for sure

Josh looked at me when the doctor left and said

Josh: Omg Riley do you think you're pregnant again?

Riley: Josh what are we going to do if we are. I mean think about it we just had Stella about a year ago and now we might be having another child. Of course I'm happy if we have another one but I just don't know if I can handle it

Josh: You are an amazing mother don't ever question yourself and if you are pregnant then we can just deal with it and I'm sure if we have another child that it will be a blessing either way

*results come back*

Doc: Congratulations you guys are expecting another addition to your family

I looked at Josh and smiled, maybe we could make this work I mean after all he is the love of my life the only thing is I don't want to have his parents think that I'm using him for his money or his fame because I truly love him.

Josh's POV:

I was so happy to be expecting another baby with the love of my life. Sometimes I think that Riley doesn't understand how much I love her but I really do and I was so excited to tell our daughter that she was expecting a brother or sister

*POV ended *

I went over and hugged Josh and then looked at the doctor and said

Riley: How many weeks along am I?

Doc: You are about 8 weeks!

Josh: Thank you for everything doc

Doc: Of course I wish nothing but the best for your family, also is it okay if I get a picture of you guys for my daughter?

Josh and Riley: Of course we love our fans

We smiled and took the picture and then left the doctors office.

*you guys are now in Josh's car*

Riley: Omg Josh look at twitter!

Josh: What is wrong

I looked down at my phone to see that all over twitter was my pregnancy and I just thought of the fact about how both Josh and I's parents were going to be so mad because the public knew first and they didn't

Josh: Omg that doctor totally violated our privacy by exposing our pregnancy to the public. We have to go back in there

Riley: Josh it's okay things happen

Josh: No Riley it is not okay, none of our family or friends know and for the love of god our daughter doesn't even know and we live in the same house as her.

Riley: It's okay we can just tell everyone what happened

Josh: No Riley, I'm going back in there and I'm telling them that I'm mad because we could have complications or someone out there could make rumors. All I know is that I will not be treated like this.

Riley: whatever happens in there just know I love you

Josh: I love you too

When Josh walks into the doctors office all I can think about is how everything could go wrong.

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now