Chapter thirty seven

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It was the day of the party and I was so nervous. I got the kids dressed and ready for the party and put the cakes on the counter

Stella: Is Carson coming today

Josh: I'm sorry bubs but he won't be able to make it today but Payton and his daughter are coming so you can hang out with her

Riley: Josh I need to talk to you for a sec

Josh: What's up

Riley: I love you and I just want you to know I'm always here for you and I know things have been hard for us lately but I love you

Josh: I love you too Riley and I'm not going anywhere I promise

Josh and I headed back to the party

Payton knocked at the door

Riley: Omg Payton it's so good to see you I haven't seen you since we moved out

Payton: I couldn't miss the party now could I

Josh: Hey Payton we missed you come on in

Payton: This is my daughter Blair

Stella: Uncle Payton

Stella walked up to Payton and hugged him

Payton: Hey bubs how is it going

Stella: It's okay

Riley: Okay well Mads and Jaden should be here soon and So should Blake and Kio

After everyone arrived we began to sit down and talked while the kids played

Kio: I haven't seen you guys in so long we just never have time to see each other anymore

Josh: I know it's been so long since we lived in the sway house

Payton: I just missed living you guys because it get's lonely sometimes while Blair is at school

Josh: Well you can come over anytime we always have little ones running around

Jess(blake's girlfriend): Are you guys thinking of having another baby after what happened with Carson

I gave Blake a look and then looked at Josh

Riley: We aren't sure yet but we wouldn't just want to replace him he was our son and we love him and wish him nothing but the best

Jess: Well it wouldn't be replacing if you guys just want to have another baby plus he wasn't even your real son

Josh: Are you serious right now

Jess : Yea he wasn't your biological son so it doesn't even matter

Blake: Jess  no it is their real son because they adopted him now I'm sorry for  causing these problems tonight but I will be right back after I drop her off at home

Riley: No she can stay because Carson is on his way right now Noah is bringing him with Dixie

Dixie opened the door and once she did Carson ran to Josh and I

Josh: Bud you're home

Riley: Hey bubba how was the car ride here

Carson: Mama Riley I missed you guys

Dixie: Hey sorry we were late we had to leave after Charli  because she was going to work

Riley: It's okay as long as we get to see Carson

Jess : I'm sorry I didn't see how close you were with this child

Dixie: You mean their child. Carson is theirs

Jess : How could you say that his mother is your sister

Dixie: Charli is not his mother she wasn't there for him but they were. Now please Jess mind your business

I looked over at Dixie and mouthed thank you

Riley: Anyway we have the rest of the party to get to so I'll go get the babies

I got the twins and then grabbed the cake and set them up

Payton: Happy Birthday Mateo and Maria

Riley: Okay guys let's light the candles

We sang happy birthday to the twins and then they started  eat their small cakes

Riley: Okay guys the actual cakes are over there and Jess I need to speak to you in private

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now