Chapter twenty eight

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When we got home from dinner I put the kids to bed and went and sat on the edge of my bed

Josh: What is wrong Riley why have you been so quiet

Riley: Nothing it's just I got a call from our lawyer saying that Chase is out of jail and is requesting full custody of Carson but they can't contact Charli so they contacted me and asked me if we were going to fight Chase for Carson or give him up

Josh: Are you serious after everything we've been through all of the times we had to call the cops and all of the trauma he has put that kid through he wants him back wow

Riley: I know right like i's not fair. So I told her we're fighting for him

Josh: But at this point should we though

Riley: Yes Josh we should. If you think I would leave you for Chase you're wrong I love you and nothing can change that I would never leave you for Chase

Josh: I know that Riley and I love you too

Riley: The lawyer asked me to set up a meeting with Chase tomorrow to discuss custody of Carson and what days Chase will get him but I said that he will no longer be able to see him since all he's put him through

Josh: I think that we should get a good sleep tonight and then we can bring the kids to DIxie's and then have a talk with Chase

*The next day*

I woke u[p with a bad headache and went to the twins room so I could get them dressed to go to Dixie's house

Carson: Is it true is my dad taking me back

Riley: Honey your dad is in the other room what are you talking about

Carson: No I mean the my dad dad like Chase

Riley: Bud you're not going anywhere you're staying right here

Carson: What if I want to go home with him though

Riley: Of course I want you to be happy and have the life you deserve then you can go home. But the thing is if you go home you will no longer be able to see Stella or us anymore

Carson: Can I talk to you and dad in the living room when you're done

Riley: Of course

I got the twins dressed and grabbed Maria's bottle

Josh: Hey what is going on with Carson he says he wants to talk to the two of us

Riley: He wants to go home to Chase and I don't think that is a good idea after all Chase has put him through but I mean if he wants his dad I don;t want to make him miserable here

Josh: We can only do so much for him but I'll feed them breakfast so that way we can make it to the meeting

Riley: Actually I want to feed the older ones breakfast this morning if that's okay

Josh: Yea here give me Maria

Riley: Mateo is in the bouncer in the living room also is Stella awake

Josh: No she isn't

Riley: Okay I will wake her up

I gave Maria to Josh and went to go wake up Stella when I saw Stella sitting on her bed looking upset

Stella: Mom is it true is Carson leaving because I don't want him to leave already he just got here

Riley: I'm sorry babes but it is true. If Chase let's us we will see him all of the time but for right now let's go eat breakfast with him

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now