Chapter fifteen

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Riley: Please Josh can Charli please stay with us. I don't want Carson to grow up with a father like that. Charli can stay in our guest room with Carson for now and if nothing bad happens we can move her to Dixie's house after Dixie and Griffin move into their new house 

Josh: Riley I just don't know I mean think about it. Yes we love Charli and she is welcome anytime but we just had twins. We don't have our new schedule with them and we have no idea how Stella will feel. What if she feels left out with all of the new people coming into our family. Let's not forget what Chase would do if he found out we were the ones taking Charli and keeping her at our house. We need to report Chase the the police and get it handled legally. 

Riley: I don't know Josh but I think we should try for a few days and then if it doesn't work then she can go back to Dixie's 

Josh: Fine but one week only and if anything happens to one of our children I'm going to kill Chase I swear 

*arrives back at Josh and Riley's house with Charli and the children*

We got back home and I felt super sore. 

Riley: Here Charli you can live in this guest bedroom with Carson for a week and then we can decide what is best for the both of our families 

Charli: Thank you for being so kind to us. It truly means a lot to me

Riley: Yea of course I went through the same thing with Chase when we were together and then Josh texted me that day and now I am where I am today.

Charli: Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you never answered him back that day?

Riley: I don't like to think about it that much because I love the little family I have now, but sometimes I do think about what my life would be if I hadn't texted him 

Charli: You would probably be with Chase still and have a little family 

RIley: Maybe but I love Josh and I love my children so I do not regret anything

Charli: I'm glad you got to fall in love with Josh 

RIley: thank you 

Josh: Hey what are you guys talking about 

RIley: My hot husband 

Josh: Wow he sounds great 

RIley: Yea he is 

I smiled and kissed Josh

Riley: I love you 

Josh: I love you to mamas

Riley: I'm going to go make dinner can you get the kids ready to eat 

Josh: Yea of course

Riley: Thank youuu

Charli: See I need to find someone who actually loves me 

Riley: You will find him I promise 

I went to make dinner when I heard someone knock on the door 

Josh: Babes do you need me to get the door?

Riley: No I can 

I walked over to the door holding Mateo and when I saw who it was my mouth dropped 

Riley: Josh get in here right now!

Josh: What's wrong babes

It was Chase standing at the door and he looked like he was ready to kill someone 

RIley: Someone is here and I need you!

Josh came over and pushed me gently behind him so that way Mateo would be safe

Josh: What are you doing here Chase you're not supposed to be here. Why do you come after every time we have a new addition to our family like they have no Idea who you are and you're just going to scare my children get out of here before I call the cops 

Chase: Josh I'm not here for your Children I'm actually here to take my child and my wife home 

Josh: I found out what you did to her. You don't get to take her with you. She's not even here.

Chase: Then let me take my child home I can see him in the back 

Josh: No you can't take him he's staying here 

Josh looked at me and I quickly went in the kitchen to call the cops

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