Chapter sixteen

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*On the phone*

911: 911 What's your emergency

Riley We have a man at my door who abused his wife and is now trying to get his child and is trying to hurt my husband

911: Okay we'll be right over

*The police arrive*

Officer: Please put your hands up

Chase turns around and does exactly what he is told to do and Josh does the same thing.

Chase: He's my child I should be able to take him home

Officer: Sir we are going to take you into custody for domestic violence, everything you say can be used against you in court

Chase: I'm going to kill you Richards this is all your fault

Officer: Okay that's enough

Another officer comes up to the door and apologizes for Chase's behavior and tells us that he is going to be in custody ofr a long time and that we have nothing to be worried about

Josh: Riley are you doing okay

Riley: Yes I am, I have to go check on Charli and Carson though

I walked in Charli's room to see her holding Carson with tears in her eyes

Riley: Charli are you okay do you need anything?

Charli: Hey Carson can you please go into the living room and play with Stella while I talk to Riley please

Carson I don't want to what if he's out there

Charli: He's not and I promise he will never hurt you

Charli: Thank you for asking Riley I know that must be hard for you since you were with your children and he's your abusive ex

Riley: No it's okay I just wanted to protect you and Carson

Charli: I need to ask you a huge favor and If you can't I understand you just had 2 more children and if you can't I'll ask Jaden and Mads

RIley: What's up Charli

Charli: I decided that the best thing to do for Carson Is to have him be adopted by you and Josh or Jaden and Mads but he needs to have a different last name and I need to change his name as well. I don't want Chase to ever be able to find him again.

Riley: I can talk to Josh about it. If we were to change Carson's name I want you to Choose it because after all he is and will always be your son. Another question is where will you live?

Charli: I'm going to change my name and then move out with Dixie and never come back over here. Which means that I will no longer be able to visit and see you guys or Jaden and Mads again.

Riley: Why can't you take Carson as well?

Charli: I just don't want Chase to find us and kill us both

Riley: Just wait until you guys go through the trial and then when it is over if he isn't in prison for that long then change everything but don't do it right now because what is you leave Carson behind and Chase get's a life sentence

Charli: I'm not going to go to court I am just going to give my rights away to you guys if Josh says okay

Riley: I'm going to talk to him right now

I pick up Mateo from his crib and walk over to Josh

Riley: Carson and Stella please go in the room with Charli I need to talk to Stella's dad for a second

Carson and Stella: Okay

Riley: Josh I know we have done a lot for Charli but there is one more thing we have to do

Josh: What is that

(Btw Josh has Maria)

Riley: Charli needs us to adopt Carson and Change his name so Chase can never find him

Josh: I don't know Riley we already have three children

Riley: Charli would do it for us

Josh: Okay we can take Carson

Riley: Thank you! Also Mateo needs his diaper changed and I have to go tell Charli the news so can you please take him and I'll take Maria

Josh: Sure babes

Josh and I switched babies and then I went to the room to tell Charli

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now