Chapter fourteen

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*9 months pregnant*

I woke up to Stella crying in my door way

Riley: Stella are you okay what's up

Stella: I had a bad dream and I can't fall back asleep can I sit with you and dad

Riley: Of course bubba here let's go sit in the living room so we don't wake up dad

Stella: Okay

I sat Stella down the couch with a blanket and got myself settled

Stella: Can I have a snack please

Riley: Sure, also what show do you want to watch

Stella: Can we watch peppa pig and can I have yogurt

Riley: Yes you may

I was walking to go get Stella her yogurt when I fell down in the kitchen

Riley: Stella! go get your dad

Stella: Okay

Josh walked in ans looked nervous

Josh: Oh my god what's happening

Riley: I think we need to go to the hospital Josh. Please get Stella in the car and then come back and get me

Josh: Okay I'm going right now

Josh got Stella in the car and went back to get Riley

Josh: Hey Riley are you okay I'm going to help you up

Riley: I'm doing okay I just need to get to the hospital right now. It's the baby

I got into the car and we were on the way to the hospital

*arrives at hospital*

Doc: Okay it looks like Riley is about ready to give birth 

After 3 hours of pushing Twins were born 

Riley: I am proud to announce the new members of the Richards family...

Josh and Riley: Maria Rose and Mateo Benjamin Richards 

Amber: I love both of those names

Josh's parents: I'm so proud of you guys 

As I saw there holding Mateo I looked at Josh and smiled 

Josh: What's up Riley 

Riley: Nothing I just really love you

Josh: I really love you as well 

Stella: Is this my baby sister and brother?

Riley: Yes babes 

Stella: I love them 

Josh: They love you too

I was sitting there then all of a sudden I see Charli walk through the door

Charli: I heard the news! What are their names 

Josh: Maria and Mateo 

Charli: They are so cute!

Riley: Thank you! Here Charli come over here 

Charli: Are you sure?

Riley: Yes come over here we need to talk 

When Charli walked over to me I saw that she had a bunch of bruises on her arm 

RIley: Are you doing okay? 

I think Charli could tell I was talking about her arm because right when I said that she looked at me and started tearing up

Charli: Well Chase came home last night and wasn't in the best mood and I didn't want him to come with me to see the babies so I just told him I was going to my sisters and he didn't like that so he hit me a few times but as long as he doesn't hit Carson I'm fine with it. I just want to protect him 

Riley: That Is not okay Charli you need to get out of there. Come live with me and Josh or something please do not stay with Chase anymore he is so bad to you

Charli: I would leave but I stayed at my sisters for awhile and then he was super rude to me and hit me more so I've just been staying at his house with him and then keeping Carson at my moms 

Riley: Josh come over here 

Josh: What's up babes 

Riley: We need to have Charli and Carson stay at our house 

Josh: Why what's up 

Riley: She's being abused by Chase the way he used to hurt me so she needs to stay with us 

Josh: I'm sorry Riley but we just had to beautiful babies and I don't want Charli at our house because what if Chase decides to take Stella, Maria, or Mateo 

Riley: Please just give her a chance

Josh: We'll see 

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now