Chapter twenty one

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Dixie: Riley can I talk to you in private please

Riley: Yea sure

Dixie: So Griffin cheated on me and is moving into Mads and Jaden's house and I don't want Carson here when he does so later tomorrow could you please take him for the afternoon

Riley: If you drop him off I could totally take him for the afternoon I have to ask Josh if he is okay with it first because we might be going to Josh's parents house with the kids to I will let you know tomorrow morning

Carson walked into the room and grabbed at my shirt

Carson: I want to go home with you guys I don't want to stay here

Riley: I'm sorry bud but you have to stay here it's whats best for you

Josh: He could just stay until Dixie could pick him up tomorrow when he's done

Riley: Josh can we talk outside please

Josh Sure

Riley: I can't do this anymore with the whole Carson thing of course I love Charli and all but I cannot keep taking care of her kid like he's mine I know I promised her I would but I can't. I have to take care of the twins and I feel like Stella feels neglected like we should tell Dixie that we can't babysit tomorrow and then we should stop watching him unless Stella and him are hanging out

Josh: Okay Riley we can tell her that we're busy with family because we are and then we don't have to see them for awhile

Riley: It makes me feel bad that I can't help her with Carson but I am truly trying

Josh: I understand babes you don't have to feel bad you have a lot on your plate now here I'll tell Dixie we can't babysit and I'll grab Stella and you can take the babies to the car

Riley: Okay thank you

I grabbed the twins carriers and went to bring them to the car as Josh told Dixie the news. Josh walked out holding Stella as she was crying

Josh: She really wanted to stay but I told her we were going to go take her for ice cream

Riley: Stella what kind of ice cream do you want if we go

Stella: I want birthday cake

Josh: Whatever you say bubba

Stella and Josh got into the car as I got into the passenger seat

Josh: Hey Riley do you think that we could go out to eat just the two of us tomorrow

Riley: Yea of course but who would watch the kids

Josh: Well I Have a surprise for tomorrow

Riley: Okay Josh

Josh: One more thing

Riley: What's up

Josh: I love you

Riley: I love you too babes

*The next day*

I woke up the Maria crying so of course I got up and fed and changed her diaper. All of a sudden I heard someone crying in the other room

Stella: Mom

Riley: Stella what's happening

Stella: I miss Carson

I walked up to Stella and hugged her

Riley: Stella everything is going to be okay I promise he will be back soon

Josh: Is everything okay

Riley: Yes everything is okay Stella is just upset because she misses Carson

Josh: Do you need me to change Mateo's diaper

Riley: No it's okay I'm on my way to do it right now

I changed Mateo and then went downstairs to make breakfast for Stella and Josh

Josh: Oh I forgot to tell you we aren't going to my parents tonight

Riley: Wait why not

Josh: We aren't going because my parents told my they would watch the kids so I could take you to dinner

Riley: I don't deserve you I swear

*at Josh's parents house*

JM: Stella don't touch that please

Stella: Sorry

JM: You're okay

Josh: Thank you so much for watching the kids I don't know what we would do without you

JM: Of course Josh now go take your wife out to dinner

I looked at Josh and smiled. I thought to myself about ow lucky I was to have him

Josh: Love you Stella and Maria and Mateo

Stella: Love you momma and dad

Riley: I love you bubba

a/n: Sorry this was such a long chapter but I hoped you guys enjoyed and I decided that I will be writing a sequel to this book that will be coming soon. This story will end at the 30th chapter and I hope you gu

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now