Chapter two

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I went to Chase's house and sat down on the couch. I was so embarrassed because I knew I was wasting Chase's time

Chase: Riley I was wondering if you wanted to watch Outer Banks or All American

Riley: Can we please watch Outer Banks I love that show so much

Chase: Of course anything for my girl

When I looked at Chase I thought of how sad it was going to be when I broke up with him tomorrow before I go and see Josh.

Chase leaned in to kiss me, out lips touched for a second until I pulled away

Riley: I'm sorry Chase but I can't do this it's to much

Chase looked at me like I was loosing my mind and then started yelling at me

Chase: It's about Josh isn't it

Riley: No it's not what you think I'm not in love with him

Chase: But your thinking about being with him aren't you

Riley: Chase it's not like that I swear I'm in love with you

Chase: We both know that you're lying

Riley: fine if you don't believe me then I'm leaving

Chase: Riley if you walk out of that door we're over

I grabbed my purse and and ran out the door

When I was walking home I called Avani

Avani: What's up

Riley: I was just at Chase's house and I was going to break up with him and then he kissed me and I pulled away because he was going to get even more hurt and I Just couldn't do that to him and then he started yelling at me and then he practically broke up with me

Avani: Omg are you okay did you chose Josh for sure

Riley: I'm okay I mean I feel like my whole life just fell apart and Chase is probably going to beat up Josh because I chose Josh over chase

Avani: It's okay Riley you are allowed to choose Josh over Chase either way one of you is going to get their heartbroken

Riley: You're right Avani thanks for the help any I've arrived at my house and I think I'm just going to go to bed

*The next morning*

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I picked it up to see who it was and truth be told it was Josh. As I saw his name I picked up the call

Josh: Hey Riley I was wondering if I could stop by today and we could go out to eat or something

Riley: Okay yea Josh sounds great

Josh: Okay I'll pick you up around noon

Riley: Bye Josh see you soon

Josh: Bye Riley

I got dressed and put on my favorite outfit. I didn't know if I should dress casual of fancy but I wasn't about to text Josh and ask so I just put on a crop top and jeans.

*Josh POV*

I was so nervous about seeing Riley the last time we talked was when she said she didn't want to see me anymore. The truth is I left Riley first because I cheated on her and I don't think she ever found out. I'm in love with her though and I'm going to tell her that when I take her out to eat.

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now