Chapter thirty two

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The next morning I woke up and grabbed Mateo from his crib

Josh: Are you okay Riley why are you up so early

Riley: Chase called your phone last night and you were sleeping so I answered and he said he wanted to pick up Carson by 8 so I'm getting Mateo fed and dressed to that way I can wake up Maria soon

Josh: What about Stella are we waking her up soon or are we just acting like Carson couldn't say goodbye

Riley: Josh she has to see him before he leaves they love each other

Josh: I'll go wake her up

Josh went to wake up Stella and I walked into Carson's room

Carson: Is it time for me to go home yet

Riley: I want you to get dressed and brush your teeth and then we can talk about what time you're leaving

Carson: I already got dressed and stuff

Riley: You're leaving in one hour. You will get 30 minutes with Stella and 30 minutes with Josh and I and then we will bring your bags to the door and by the time your dad gets here we will bring Stella into her room and then I will walk you out

Carson: Okay

I walked Carson into the kitchen where Stella was sitting

Stella: Are you leaving soon

Carson: we get 30 minutes to be with each other and them I'm hanging out with mom and dad

Stella: Mom I don't want to hangout with him

Riley: Stella he is leaving today and these are the last moments you will be able to spend with him

Stella: I don't care because if he truly loved us he would stay

Stella got up and walked into her room

Carson: I guess she hates me doesn't she

Riley: No she doesn't she is just mad because she loves you

I walked into Riley's room and sat down on the edge of the bed

Stella: Go away I don't want to talk to Carson

Riley: Listen you need to get back out there because after he leaves you probably won't see him again for awhile

Stella: Okay fine

*An hour later*

Chase knocked at the door

Josh: Carson your dad is here

Carson: Bye guys I love you thank you for everything

Carson hugged every single one of us and then walked out and with Chase

Chase: Bye guys we will hopefully see you guys soon

Josh: We'll see

Carson: Bye guys I love you

Riley: We'll see you soon

Carson walked out the door and the Josh looked at me

Josh: Are you sure that was the right decision I feel like we have an empty spot where he used to be and I think we should get him back

Riley: Josh it's the best for him he's finally with his dad and that's what he wanted and we can't hold him back for forever and he is doing what he feels he needed to do

Josh: I guess but I'll go get Stella

Riley: I want to give her some time to grieve Josh she just lost her brother

Josh: I know but she can't sit in her room for forever she is going to have to come out eventually

Riley: I know but I think we need to give her some space for now and then later tonight we can ask her if she wants something to eat or to spend time with us.

Josh and I grabbed each one of the twins and just hung out with them for a little bit

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now