Chapter thirty six

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The twins birthday was tomorrow and I was about to call Charli to ask her if she would bring over Carson so that way we could celebrate them as a family

*On the phone*

Charli: What do you want

Riley: I was wondering if I could pick up Carson and bring him over here because it's the twin's first birthday and I want to have him here with us

Charli: I meant what I said you cannot see him anytime soon because he needs to get used to his new life  so he can come over some other time

Riley: I want him to come over tomorrow and if you won't bring him then I will come and pick him up because this is not fair to his brother and sister and yes I just said that because even though he doesn't live with us he still is family to us so I will be there around 11 and have him dressed

*Phone call ends*

Josh: How did it go

Riley: we're going to go get Carson right now I cannot stand Charli anymore

Josh: But we're not his legal guardian

Riley: I don't care Josh I'll be back in 20 minutes I have to go make some phone calls

I walked out to the car and drove all the way to Charli's. I went up to the door and knocked hoping Charli would open the door

Charli: If you're here for Carson you're not getting him because he is up in his room

Carson: Charli who is at the door

Charli: No one is here please go back to your room

Riley: Can I please just see him. What if he finds out that his siblings had a birthday party without him because you wouldn't let him go

Carson: Mama Riley

Riley: Carson please go back to your room

Carson ran up to me and hugged me before Charli grabbed his arm and pulled him back in the house

Charli: Listen here okay he is my son and not yours I don't care if you want him to be there for your kids birthday and after what you did to me sending Carson away to his dads house your lucky I haven't put a restraining order against you. Now stop acting like you're always the victim and go take care of your own children and not my son.

Riley: Okay fine I won't come back but when your son comes looking for me and wondering why I didn't come back for him like he asked then you can tell him that you kept him away from us

Charli: Go home and worry about your own kids

Charli closed the door and I walked back to my car and drove home. I walked in the door and Stella came and ran up to me

Josh: How did it go

Riley: She told me no and that we needed to start taking care of our own kids before we start to take care of hers which I think is unfair because she was the one who fled the country and then all of a sudden decided she wanted to become a mom I don't know but I have to go party plan.

Josh: Riley maybe she's right we have to focus on Stella and the babies

Riley: Well I have a party to plan and I have to invite the boys and I'm excited because Payton is coming with his daughter and I haven't seen him in a long time

Josh: I haven't seen him since we moved out

Riley: Exactly that's why I'm excited and I don't know if Noah can come because he's with Dixie but I have phone calls to make

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now