Chapter ten

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As Josh walked back to the car I knew that something went wrong
Riley:Hey Josh how did it go is everything okay are they taking it down?

Josh:They said that legally they have the right to keep it up but here's the thing I said that they don't because it's our medical information not theirs

Riley: What did they say when you said that

Josh:The nurse said if we really wanted to we could go to court about it and I think we should because what would happen if someone else had to go through that like Charli and Chase or Jaden and Mads

Riley: I think you're right Im going to call our lawyer
(Law aka lawyer)
*on the phone with the lawyer*

Riley: Hi this is Riley Richards and I was calling to see if I could speak to Mrs.Thompson

Law- Hi Mrs.Richards what's going on

Riley: I was wondering if we could schedule an appointment because someone exposed our medical records and I would like to sue because we kindly told the doctor not to expose our new pregnancy but he did and now both of our fan bases know that I'm pregnant when we wanted to keep it private

Law- Are you avalible tuesday at about 6pm

Riley: Yes we are

Law- okay good then I will see you both then

Riley:Thank you goodbye
*phone call ended*
**you arrive home**
Riley: Hi Stella how was it with grandma

Amber: it was good and Stella and I made cookies if you guys would like some

Josh: Thank you so much for watching her

Amber: Also guys I had a question for you, what was the big scandal that you guys had at the doctors

Riley: Wait you heard about that to

I looked at Josh and I just wanted him to say everything was going to be okay and I think he knew that I was upset because then he hugged me and just held me
Josh: Hey babes everything is going to work out okay
we can sue and then even if we do have a miscarriage we don't have to discuss it with our fans we can just keep it a secret and same with the gender we can also see a different doctor instead

Riley:I just can't believe that he exposed us like that like god only knows what else he's said about our medical information or our daughters

Josh: It's okay Riley everything will work out

Amber: Trust me guys it will work out plus look at the great family you guys have together

Riley: That's true thanks mom

Amber: Anytime

Riley: Hey Josh  if we have a boy can we name it Mateo

Josh: Anything for you babes

Amber: Okay guys I have to go to work but I love you both and I love you to Stella

Stella: I love you grandma
(let's pretend Stella is to bc I  forgot her age)
Josh and Riley: Bye love you
Riley: Lets go get ready for bed Stella come on
Stella: I don't want to go to bed, I wanna sit with dad and watch tv
Josh: Bubba come on let's get ready for bed, me and mama are going to go to bed also
Stella: Okayy
Riley: I love the both of you so much
Josh: We both love you
As the two of you read Stella a bed time story you looked at each other and smiled right before Stella was about to fall asleep you heard her say
Stella: I love you mama and I love you dad
Riley & Josh: we love you too bubba

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now