Chapter seventeen

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I went to go tell Charli the good news when I saw Carson crying outside the door with Stella

Riley: What is happening you two

Stella: Carson's mama doesn't want to see him

Riley: I'm going to go talk to her right now you guys go see Stella's dad okay he's going to put you guys to bed.

Stella: I don't want to go to bed

Carson: Same

Riley: Just go see him okay you can watch an episode of peppa pig and then I can have him come and put you guys to bed

Stella and Carson: Okay

RIley: Hey Charli so I have news

Charli: What's up

RIley: Josh said we could take Carson If you wanted us to

Charli: Thank you guys so much. I booked a flight for tomorrow morning and I called my lawyer and she wants you guys to come sign the adoption papers tomorrow afternoon and then I can be gone and he can be safe. You guys will also need to sign the paper that legally states that you will change his  last name to Richards

Riley: Okay.

Charli: my lawyer will also give you his medical records and another thing is you cannot contact me until he is eighteen or if Chase has him or something like that but I wish you both nothing but the best and Please look after him

Riley : We want nothing but the best for him

Charli Thank you for everything I'm going to head to a hotel nearby and then catch my flight tomorrow I will send you my new number in case something doesn't work out but other than that thank you for keeping my baby safe

RIley: We promise to protect him at all costs

I hugged Charli and she walked out the back door with tears in her eyes and that was the last I ever saw of Charli

Riley: He Josh can you come here

Josh: What's up babes

RIley: We have to go to see Chari's lawyer tomorrow so we can get Carson's medical records and get legal rights to him

Josh Okay

Riley: Chase can never find  him and also tomorrow if going to be the worst day because I have to go tell him that not only is his dad gone his mom is as well.

Josh: So does that mean Carson will call us mom and dad

Riley: Yes

Josh: Wow

RIley: What's up

Josh: It's just that wen we got pregnant with Stella I never thought that we were going to have to raise your abusive ex's child as well

Riley: Josh he has no home and both of his parent's are gone and he needs parents to be there for him which in this case is us

Josh: I know and I'm not saying that we can't because we can raise him it's just a shock to me, but I believe in us and I love youu

Riley: I love you too

I went to bed that with Josh and was nervous to tell Carson what happened

I woke up during the middle of the night to go feed Maria and Mateo and then I saw Carson crying at the bottom of the stairs

Riley: Hey what's up Carson

Carson: I know my mom is gone

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now